APRALO Summary Minutes 28.08.2012
Summary Notes and Action Items
APRALO, 28 August 2012
Summary Minutes
Review of the Action Items.
Open PC ; No discussion on these. If anyone needs to make comments send it to ICANN Staff.
CLO: She will be talking during the ALAC call on the current IDN ccTLD draft.
We have an ALAC comment. She will be working on it.
The Draft ccIDN ccTLD I have a WG and ccNSO call foe comments on I'll suggest tonight that with APRALO rep support and the IDN wg that we influence via comment or support for the draft via me ASAP so we can best influence early
Edmon sent over the statement on IDN prioritization. If anyone has a comment? none.
Update on APRALO Election
Results: Holly representing ALAC
NomCom : SIranush.
Pavan will be working on the future elections and will be working on this.
Survey Idea: Pavan mentioned that he will be working on the Survey with Sala, Survey will include ALs only?
Pavan: We can start with our ALs and continue with other Ralos.
The idea will be to do it before Toronto.
New gTLD WG update.
Hong mentioned that she was on the gTLD WG call. Batching of Digital Archery, pricing caps, trademark measures (clearing house and URS). There will be a WG meeting in Toronto.
Sala: In relation to trademark clearing house, it would be good to have someone from APRALO monitoring the space. It is critical.
Preparation for Toronto APRALO Meeting
Pavan will make sure that the Agenda will be ready in advance, Outreach to ALS. If anyone has any feedback? I will put it on the Agenda.
Sala: Within ALAC, Rinalia managed to secure us a one-hour in Toronto, on capacity building and Outreach. At the end of Toronto, hopefully we will have a Working Group.
Reports from APRALO Chair; No Chair present.
ALAC will have a meeting. Regarding the SS we have Julie Hammer and it would be interesting to have discussions as well as developments on the N
APRALO Workshop in Baku:
Anyone has something to say about that? Pavan will reach out to people going there so information can be presented to APRALO. Susan will be interested in attending the Workshop.
CLO: We had an ALS there and certainly to reach out would be very important.
PAVAN: ACTION ITEM: To follow up with Charles and Holly and reach it to the ALS in Baku.
CLO: NO budget allocation yet.
Sala: Offered help on the issue.
OCL: Baku: We are still awaiting news regarding the budget allocations. We should be hearing about it shortly, next week or so.
AI: Staff to follow up and get an update ASAP.
Sala : ROP .