Zoom chat: 2022-08-29 NARALO General Assembly Organization Call
00:09:20 Glenn McKnight: Thanks Susie
00:09:36 Glenn McKnight: Susie please bring NARALO brochures
00:10:03 Judith Hellerstein: And Mail cards which we prefer to the brochures
00:10:07 Glenn McKnight: Also Suzie we have the NARALO banners too
00:10:17 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Hello all
00:10:25 Judith Hellerstein: Also please bring the table tops that were ordered as well
00:10:45 Judith Hellerstein: As well as some of the promotional items we ordered
00:11:06 Judith Hellerstein: @glenn the brochures are only for online as we preferred the mail cards
00:11:17 Marita Moll: He did some work on it -- as I got some notices re: comments
00:12:20 Glenn McKnight: I am not in the Program group its Judith and Evan and Greg
00:12:29 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome Greg
00:13:35 Judith Hellerstein: Greg has done work on the program as I also got noticies
00:14:11 Glenn McKnight: ARIN has a Oct 11th special session with Einar VP of Arin for newcomers
00:14:40 Glenn McKnight: Our Oct 10th NARALO meeting will provide direct details to the participants
00:14:45 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome to Heidi on the phone
00:15:15 Glenn McKnight: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE6lkKU0nI/nsx2c3IRE0JwLbdS6rwHPQ/edit?utm_content=DAE6lkKU0nI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
00:17:43 Marita Moll: But we are attending ARIN events -- which is a larger group. But we can't have a dinner on our own?
00:18:42 Marita Moll: Does not make sense..........
00:19:22 Alfredo Calderon: +1 Marita, it is kind of confusing.
00:20:49 Marita Moll: Maybe we can all go out to dinner and pay our own cheques
00:21:19 Judith Hellerstein: @marita, If that is the case I cannot join in
00:22:34 Greg Shatan: Due to Shabbat, @Judith?
00:22:52 Judith Hellerstein: The plan I think is to spend the whole two days in our space
00:26:33 Judith Hellerstein: @greg yes
00:29:16 Glenn McKnight: Perhaps we can speak about the Atlarge Capacity Building webinars too in the CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION
00:32:05 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Hand up, also, by Martia
00:34:44 Glenn McKnight: Is Evan not invited to these calls?
00:35:26 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: @Glenn - yes, he is invited to them
00:39:50 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome Jonathan
00:40:30 Jonathan Zuck: SO sorry! I've just been here, at my desk, waiting for this call to start and looked up from work to see it started 30min ago. Embarassed!
00:42:19 Jonathan Zuck: Outreach and capacity building SHOULD be thought of as different, even though we do outreach to do capacity building
00:43:54 Jonathan Zuck: survey is interesting or even just a discussion
00:45:44 Glenn McKnight: Here is the survey one before the GA starts
00:45:45 Glenn McKnight: https://forms.gle/XzfMCqsUizwJqJZAA
00:46:00 Glenn McKnight: I detailed this a couple of weeks ago
00:46:12 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Would it be helpful here to have someone from ICANN Learn explain what is available through ICANN Learn?
00:47:04 Jonathan Zuck: we have a diagram of this...
00:48:12 Jonathan Zuck: part of it is using social media as a form of "capacity building" of non-insiders
00:49:04 Greg Shatan: Thanks JZ - can you send it around?
00:49:28 Judith Hellerstein: @greg we were going to have Goran talk to us on one of our free slots
00:50:32 Marita Moll: Yes, I agree with that idea @Greg
00:52:12 Marita Moll: Hot topics -- MSM
00:52:26 Marita Moll: WT5
00:52:35 Marita Moll: DNS abuse
00:52:44 Marita Moll: IDNs
00:52:57 Marita Moll: holistic review
00:53:01 Marita Moll: UA
00:53:19 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: The plenary in ICANN75 is a discussion on fragmentation, that might be a good topic to discuss here
00:53:56 Greg Shatan: @Naela - agree
00:54:12 Jonathan Zuck: or a subset of it, if there are actual "hot" topics
00:54:42 Jonathan Zuck: don't think we want to go over EVERYTHING
00:57:21 Glenn McKnight: context is everyt hing
00:57:25 Glenn McKnight: everything
00:59:36 Glenn McKnight: Perhaps Avri would also join Leon
01:00:09 Marita Moll: +1 Eduardo on the timing of policy issues
01:00:46 Glenn McKnight: Caution 10 minutes left
01:02:53 Susie Johnson / Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Judith, we are working on this
01:03:43 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Hotel should have plenty around it
01:04:58 Jonathan Zuck: yes!
01:05:20 Glenn McKnight: PLEASE comment on the three surveys I did
01:05:23 Glenn McKnight: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-Pn6LESQwQqLYV2_8GT9RjrGcfww9Al1O-yDcxqbuk4/edit
01:05:40 Glenn McKnight: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zB7g9_0W_AGJLHb5nHfelksHC-7MU2TYtmoaLzY08RE/edit?usp=drive_web
01:06:28 Judith Hellerstein: it should be a no for observers
01:06:37 Glenn McKnight: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hD4rrXTTZ0DfTLESBaVvzxh-v2h8BHASfDh50HP1BJo/edit
01:06:41 Marita Moll: Why is that?
01:06:50 Glenn McKnight: These are three pre, during and after event
01:06:59 Glenn McKnight: Please add to the notes these three links
01:07:07 Glenn McKnight: Waiting for Jon and Greg feedback
01:07:29 Marita Moll: I think we should allow observers. Some people could not come for reasons of passports, etc
01:08:05 Judith Hellerstein: NOrth american observers are fine
01:08:14 Judith Hellerstein: it is just out of region observers
01:11:37 Glenn McKnight: Please add to the minutes the three surveys
01:11:38 Glenn McKnight: Pre Survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-Pn6LESQwQqLYV2_8GT9RjrGcfww9Al1O-yDcxqbuk4/edit Session Survey ONLY https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zB7g9_0W_AGJLHb5nHfelksHC-7MU2TYtmoaLzY08RE/edit Post Survey- Full https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hD4rrXTTZ0DfTLESBaVvzxh-v2h8BHASfDh50HP1BJo/edit
01:11:40 Judith Hellerstein: i think it is fine for North American people to observer
01:11:59 Judith Hellerstein: but out of region is not a good idea
01:12:55 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Next meeting, Tuesday, 06 September at 18:00 UTC
01:13:41 Glenn McKnight: If all goes well I leave to Singapore on the 6th
01:14:35 Adrian Schmidt: Bye!!!
01:14:35 Marita Moll: Okay, bye