Action items: 2021-09-15 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
Action items: 2021-09-15 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to work with jonathan.zuck on ICANN72 Talking Points for 29 September CPWG.
- yrjo.lansipuroto coordinate with IGO EPDP At-Large Reps to present consensus points during 22 Sept CPWG on the related ICANN Public Comment.
- Devan Reed to schedule next CPWG meeting for Wednesday, 22 Sept at 19 UTC (TBC).
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to send the announcement of the public comment on Curative Rights on IGOs to the CPWG list
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to set up the workspace for the public comment on Curative Rights on IGOs.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to coordinate with CPWG Co-Chairs on RrSG and ALAC statement follow-up.
- steinar.grotterodnoted an AI for GNSO-Transfer Policy Review PDP: To ask SSAC to discuss and/or comment the option to accept an inter-registrar transfer to succeed ONLY based on a valid TAC code. (Rationale: Several ccTLDs have implemented policy that do NOT require notifications and approval from the Registrant in order to approve the transfer of a domain name from one registrar (losing registrar) to a new registrar (gaining registrar). A inter-registrar transfer will succeed as long as the TAC is correct and the domain name is eligible for transfer.)
- steinar.grotterodnoted an AI: Ask SSAC to publish a non-technical guideline for transfer of a DNSSEC signed domain name.(Rationale: SSAC recommend using a third-party DNS nameservers for a DNSSEC signed domain name. However, the rationale for changing the sponsoring registrar for a domain name may be based on the services connected to the new selected registrar, inc. nameservers. From an end-user perspective, a non-technical guideline for DNSSEC signed domain names with check points could reduce the risk of interference/problems when the sponsoring registrar is altered, and a new nameserver setting is established.)
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