Action Items: 2021-07-14 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
Action Items: 2021-07-14 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Deadline for comments on the EPDP 2a statement is end of Friday, 16 July.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to send out a reminder on the morning of Thursday, 15th July re last call for comments for EPDP 2a statement.
- Alan Greenberg to submit the ALAC comments on the EPDP2a by the deadline of Monday, 19 July and Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to launch vote and submit in statement format beginning on Monday, 19 July
Alan will post the latest version of the ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 2 into a Google doc and will make it available to all for comments
Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to add the item of the ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 2 to the CPWG agena next week.
- Claudia Ruiz and Michelle DeSmyter to always check with NOMCOM schedule so as to avoid clashes with NOMCOM.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next call same day/same time next week.
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