Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content

Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content

How At-Large content is generated/organised/distributed


 DescriptionPlatform Used
wiki The wiki is the primary home for At-Large to share information and collaborate with each other about At-Large activities. Also used as document repository to store PDFs of ALAC statements, presentations/slides, meeting transcripts and MP3 of meeting recordingsAtlassian Confluence
Email listsused by At-Large members to disseminate and discuss At-Large activities. Separate email lists for (nearly) each At-Large activityMailman
Teleconferencesused by all At-Large for its meetingsAdobe Connect, LUCID Meetings
ICANN websitemain website for at http://www.icann.org/ - shows announcements by ICANN, public comments, public meeting pagesDrupal
ICANN At-Large websitepublic-facing website at http://atlarge.icann.org/ to inform about At-Large and the ALAC to the wider ICANN community and general public, including ALAC statements submittedDrupal
F2F meetingsICANN public meetingsUses: ICANN website, Teleconferences, wiki
At-Large Calendar shows At-Large meetings, teleconferences schedule.Google Calendar
Event Time Announcer

used to display meeting times in multiple time zones

Time and Date
Online Votingused by ALAC and RALOs for RALO and ALAC votesBigPulse
Instant Messagingonline chat between At-Large members to discuss At-Large related issuesSkype
 Social Mediaused to disseminate At-Large announcements and (in future) other At-Large contentUses: wiki ;
Platforms:  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Telephone Bridgeused by At-Large to connect to and participate in the meeting via telephone.Adigo
Survey BigPulse
Scheduling Meetingsused by At-Large Staff to schedule meeting timesDoodle

Content created by At-Large Working Groups



Presentation at TTF meeting July 8 2013

How At-Large Content is organised-8-July-2013.pdf

Presentation at TTF meeting June 24 2013

How At-Large Content is organised-24-June-2013.pdf

This shows how the ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content should be discussed/presented 

  • give broad overview of the tools used by At-Large to generate/organise/distribute content
  • What tools are used for At-Large Working Groups 
    • describe how the content is organised
    • note issues regarding At-Large Working Group Content
    • (not shown in PDF) specify proposals to alleviate issues note

The intent is to do the same for RALO content and then ALAC content

Comments/Suggestions/pen holders needed!



This page will list the various ideas (in no particular order) for improving the organisation of At-Large content.

The issues :

  • Persons in At-Large have expressed frustration in not being able to find content of importance to them.
  • It is hard for anyone arriving at a wiki page (via a search engine or link shared over At-large social media) to understand what we (At-Large/ALAC) is about and the work we are doing.
  • Hard to find information about the history of At-Large/ALAC/WGs. For example, finding out the history of At-Large/ALAC WHOIS related advice to the ICANN Board.
  • If a WG member misses a WG meeting or two, its difficult to find the meeting transcripts, etc to keep up to date.
  • difficulty in seeing the latest activity of ALAC/At-Large, RALOs and WGs 

See also At-Large Technology Taskforce Wiki Training Questions Workspace


The solution :

  • re-organise how At-Large content is saved and how such content is presented to At-Large for
    • At-Large WG - review how content is saved for At-Large WGs and propose suggestions for improvement
    • RALOs - review how content is saved for RALOs and propose suggestions for improvement
    • ALAC - review how content is saved for the ALAC and propose suggestions for improvement
  • present suggestions to wider At-Large and At-Large Staff for review and comment 
  • assist At-Large Staff with At-Large content reorganisation


Re-organise how content is organised and saved

Create a At-Large Working Group Space

The At-Large wiki is the primary home for At-Large material content. https://community.icann.org/category/atlarge shows the current organisation of the At-Large wiki. 

Currently the At-Large Working Groups are listed/grouped under a wiki page At-Large Working Groups under the ALAC space.

A proposal is to create a At-Large Working Groups space similar to the GNSO Working Groups/Drafting Teams/Steering Committees/Work Teams space under the GNSO wiki at https://community.icann.org/category/gnso


Define Taxonomy for labelling wiki pages

Defining a set of labels such as ICANN policy topics (e.g WHOIS, RAA) which could be used to label wiki pages. 

Confluence offers the ability to show all pages with particular labels. So there could be one link to see all the WHOIS related activity in ICANN At-Large 

Organise meeting recordings as a podcast feed

(Suggestion by Eduardo Diaz)

By having the meeting recordings presented as a podcast feed ; persons could subscribe to that podcast feed instead of going to the wiki to find it.