Action Items: 2021-08-04 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
Action Items: 2021-08-04 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- hadia.elminiawito share paper with topic idea(s) on the CPWG or ICANN72 PC list, perhaps form a small group to organize the session.
- yrjo.lansipuroand Justine Chewto coordinate on presentation on IGO WT for next week.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to coordinate with Maureen and GNSO support staff to submit the ALAC statement on the Transfer Policy Review PDP.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to coordinate with Maureento launch ALAC vote on ALAC advice on EPDP (SSAD) today.
- Devan Reedto schedule next CPWG for Wednesday, 11 August at 19 UTC.
Regarding ICANN72 plenaries, Marita Moll suggested an additional session with GAC (previously moderated by OCL), multistakeholder model. Other ideas discussed related to ICANN72: Justine suggested an additional pitch to the ICANN Board on Subsequent Procedures. Hadia Elminiawi suggested geographic top level domains. Holly suggested Holistic Review (ATRT3), Transfer Policy and GDPR impact on end user process (looking at survey results). Amrita suggested gaps between end user and business end user interests - bridging the gaps. Joanna Kulesza is planning to submit an ICANN plenary session proposal on the ABR she is leading on the topic of Protecting the Internet’s Unique Identifier System in an Age of Disinformation.
, multiple selections available,