2016-05-31 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 31 May at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/hqj7jqb
1. Roll Call / SOI
2. Continued work on draft 2 of possible requirements list
- Progress Update
- Questions or Comments about how to extract possible requirements
- Call for volunteers for unassigned documents: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EgCGBg
- Next steps and due date
3. Discuss approach for triage of possible requirements list into
- phase 1 policy requirements
- phase 2 policies designed to meet phase 1 policy requirements
- phase 3 implementation or coexistence guidance
4. Confirm next meeting – Tuesday 7 June at 16.00 UTC
Apologies: Alex Deacon, Steve Metalitz, Beth Allegretti, Greg Mounier, Michele Neylon, Amr Elsadr, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, Marika Konings
On audio only: None
Notes and Actions:
1. Roll Call / SOI
- No updates provided
2. Continued work on draft 2 of possible requirements list
Progress Update:
- Volunteers have been assigned to cover 29 documents, 8 of those have already been submitted and included in draft 2 of the possible requirements list. Although the list of documents is long, only about 8 of the documents flagged by subteams as especially relevant to this PDP are still unassigned.
- To sign up for a document, just email the WG list with the name of a single document that you are volunteering to cover. The GNSO Secretariat is still working with IT to fix the permissions problem that prevents WG members from editing the sign-up sheet.
- Once you volunteer, review the document for possible requirements and either quote or paraphrase possible requirements, mapped to charter questions.
- Submit your list of possible requirements to the full WG mailing list.
- Staff will number and integrate all possible requirements into the next draft of the WG’s possible requirements list.
- After you submit possible requirements from one document, you may volunteer for another document – but please volunteer for one document at a time.
Questions or Comments about how to extract possible requirements
- Are these requirements or possible requirements? They are POSSIBLE requirements. The WG will deliberate to agree upon requirements.
- If a possible requirement seems to duplicate a possible requirement from another document, should it be included? Yes.
- If a possible requirement doesn’t refer directly to the RDS, should it be included? If the text appears to apply to registration directory services or registration data, quote or paraphrase and also describe why you think it is applicable.
Call for volunteers for unassigned documents:
- Sign-up Sheet can be found at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EgCGBg
- Additional assignments to volunteers during this WG call:
- Richard Padilla A29 WP 217
- Kathy Kleiman A29 WP 203
- Fabricio Vayra A29 Procs for handling conflicts
- Ankur Raheja New gTLD URS policy
- Jim Galvin SAC051
- Sana Ali EU DP Directive 1995
- Greg Shatan EU DP Reg 2016
- Holly will look into what is needed from Greenleaf Book/Article
- WG members who haven’t yet volunteered are still encouraged to sign up for any remaining unassigned document
Next steps and due date
- Would 7 June be a reasonable target for completing remaining assignments? Yes.
Action: WG volunteers to please submit possible requirements as soon as you finish your assignment, preferably as text or a Word doc, preferably organized by charter question. Target for submitting all assignments to complete Task 8 is 7 June.
Action: Leadership team to draft outreach message #2 soliciting additional possible requirements from SO/AC/SG/Cs.
3. Discuss approach for triage of possible requirements list into
- phase 1 policy requirements
- phase 2 policies designed to meet phase 1 policy requirements
- phase 3 implementation or coexistence guidance
- See MockUp of Grid for Possible Requirements Draft 31 May.docx
- Drafted in follow-up to comment from Greg Aaron about initial possible requirements list spanning all three phases of this PDP.
- Grid is intended to help filter possible requirements into the three phases, allowing the WG to better focus on the core possible requirements to be deliberated upon in phase 1 – that is, possible requirements that help the WG answer the foundational question of why a gTLD registration directory service and registration data are needed, and if a next-generation RDS is needed to meet requirements ultimately recommended by this WG
- In particular, the grid introduces two new columns: pre-requisites and phase. By identifying pre-requisites or assumptions, the WG can identify possible requirements that are actually derived from other possible requirements and may be deferred until phases 2/3.
- Question: Where would "legitimate need" and "law enforcement" and "real identity of responsible party" be determined? Answer: If these are agreed to be a requirement in Phase 1, the policy itself would be detailed in Phase 2/3. However, this will be determined by the WG during deliberation - for example, the WG may refine several possible requirements to derive a recommended requirement
- Note that triage of possible requirements would be done by WG after list of possible requirements is gathered, to organize possible requirements to begin deliberation.
- At this stage, the WG is asked to consider this triage approach - especially the pre-requisites column - and provide feedback on how to best organize possible requirements to map into phases and begin deliberation.
4. Confirm next meeting – Tuesday 7 June at 16.00 UTC
- To include planning for cross-community session in Helsinki (Monday afternoon of ICANN meeting) and WG F2F session (Tuesday morning)
Action: WG members to begin thinking about how they may wish to participate in that session - specifically, if they wish to volunteer to suggest a possible requirement to kick off input from the community.
Reference Materials:
SignUp-Sheet-asOf-31May1400.docx (check https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EgCGBg for recent additions)
RDS PDP List of Possible Requirements Draft 30 May.docx (draft 2, including WG member additions thus far)
MockUp of Grid for Possible Requirements Draft 31 May.docx (includes excerpt from draft 2 above, in grid format)