2016-06-07 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting

2016-06-07 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting


The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 7 June at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/jejw3x6


Proposed Agenda – Next-Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting – Tuesday 7 June at 16.00 UTC


  1. Roll Call / SOI
  2. Complete work on possible requirements list (Task 8) – see latest version of signup sheet (below)
    1. Progress Update
    2. Set target for completing the requirements list for task 9
    3. Outreach message #2 (draft circulated in separate email - see below)
    4. Identify lead points of contacts for SO/AC/SG/Cs
  3. Discuss preparation for Helsinki meeting
    1. Cross-Community meeting
    2. F2F WG meeting
  4. Confirm next meeting – Tuesday 14 June at 16.00 UTC




AC Chat 


Apologies:  Alan Greenberg, Alex Deacon, Ayden Férdeline, Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, Susan Prosser, Holly Raiche, Kathy Kleiman (joining late), Amr Elsadr, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts

On audio only: Kathy Kleiman

Notes 7 June 2016

1.       Roll Call / SOI

  • Attendance will be taken from the AC room
  • Please state names before speaking and keep your microphones on mute when not speaking

2.       Complete work on possible requirements list (Task 8) – see latest version of signup sheet (below)

a.       Progress Update

  • 28 documents have been covered so far
  • 23 assignments still pending, including 10 that subteams flagged as especially relevant
  • phrase responses as requirements, which may require paraphrasing of the document

b.       Set target for completing the requirements list for Task 9

  • Deadline for submission in principle today but leadership team has agreed to extend the cut off date for submitting additional possible requirements by COB on Wednesday 8 June. This will allow staff to compile the list of possible requirements on Thursday with the outreach message #2 to go out on Friday at the latest. Note, additional requirements may be identified at a later date, but for the purpose of the outreach message, a snap shot will be taken of the list of possible requirements by the deadline.

c.       Outreach message #2  (draft circulated in separate email - see below)

  • Second outreach message in parallel to first request still outstanding - but approach for this one is different
  • WG encouraged to work with their respective groups to facilitate responses
  • Ideally input is received by Helsinki so that input can be received and discussed during meeting.
  • Please review instructions - no judgement is expected to be passed on possible requirements.
  • No comments on the draft outreach message received during the call.

d.       Identify lead points of contacts for SO/AC/SG/Cs

  • In first outreach message, SO/AC/SG/Cs have been asked to identify a lead point of contact. If WG members know who the point of contact will be, please communicate this with the WG. Is functional role - to ensure that information flows back and forth between the WG & SO/AC/SG/Cs.
  • Volunteers: Klaus Stoll (NPOC), Fabricio Vayra (IPC), Beth Allegretti (BC), Greg Mounier (GAC PSWG), Sara Bockey (RrSG), Farell Folly (NCSG), Nathalie Coupet (At-Large - TBC)
  • Please see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/WQENBg for current affiliations
  • Need to ensure that volunteers have agreement from respective groups to serve in this capacity (also factor in formal feedback that is received by outreach #1 document is received)

Action item #1: Additional volunteers to come forward and those that have volunteered to confirm with respective leadership teams (if still needed) to confirm liaison role

Action item #2: Liaisons will be asked later this week to disseminate outreach message and facilitate a response

 3.       Discuss preparation for Helsinki meeting

           a.       Cross-Community meeting

  • See proposed session description distributed (below)
  • WG members will draw from their own experience to share examples and invite attendees to join in a lively conversation about possible requirements.
  • Further planning is expected to happen during the meeting next week.
  • Encourage newcomer participation and try to avoid domination by WG members. Liaisons may be able to assist in this regard as well by encouraging their respective groups to attend and prepare accordingly.
  • Focus may be on first five questions - doesn't need to be restricted to those but may faciliate preparation and focus.
  • Consider whether any 'provocative' questions could be identified in advance to faciliate the discussion?
  • Note that questions highlighted in description are as in the charter - not indicative of how WG will address them (see work plan for approach)

Action item #3: WG members to review the proposed agenda for the cross community session in Helsinki and think about whether you would be willing to volunteer to share a possible requirement as part of the session (short intervention, max. 1 minute).

            b.       F2F WG meeting

  • Full morning on Tuesday morning for WG F2F meeting
  • Non-members will be able to attend and participate in the meeting
  • Objective is to get work done - finalise possible requirements list and possibly start with deliberations.
  • Agenda to be refined closer to the meeting.

 4.       Confirm next meeting – Tuesday 14 June at 16.00 UTC

  • Start working on task 11
  • Continue planning for Heslinki meeting



Meeting Materials: