

The following text is excerpted verbatim from the WG Charter in order to provide a list of key inputs for each question.

"During Phase 1, the PDP WG should, at a minimum, attempt to reach consensus recommendations regarding the following questions:

  • What are the fundamental requirements for gTLD registration data?
    When addressing this question, the PDP WG should consider, at a minimum, users and purposes and associated access, accuracy, data element, and privacy requirements.

  • Is a new policy framework and next-generation RDS needed to address these requirements?
    • If yes, what cross-cutting requirements must a next-generation RDS address, including coexistence, compliance, system model, and cost, benefit, and risk analysis requirements?
    • If no, does the current WHOIS policy framework sufficiently address these requirements? If not, what revisions are recommended to the current WHOIS policy framework to do so?


As part of its Phase 1 deliberations, the PDP WG should work to reach consensus recommendations by considering, at a minimum,  the following complex and inter-related questions:"

Issue AreaQuestionKey Input Documents
Users/PurposesWho should have access to gTLD registration data and why?Click for Table
Gated AccessWhat steps should be taken to control data access for each user/purpose?Click for Table
Data AccuracyWhat steps should be taken to improve data accuracy?Click for Table
Data ElementsWhat data should be collected, stored, and disclosed?Click for Table
PrivacyWhat steps are needed to protect data and privacy?Click for Table
CoexistenceWhat steps should be taken to enable next-generation RDS
coexistence with and replacement of the legacy WHOIS system?
Click for Table
ComplianceWhat steps are needed to enforce these policies?Click for Table
System ModelWhat system requirements must be satisfied by any next-generation RDS implementation?Click for Table
CostWhat costs will be incurred and how must they be covered?Click for Table
BenefitsWhat benefits will be achieved and how will they be measured?Click for Table
RisksWhat risks do stakeholders face and how will they be reconciled?Click for Table


"Each of these areas is defined in the Final Issue Report and suggested PDP WG inputs – including but certainly not limited to recommendations made in the EWG’s Final Report. The Process Framework time-sequences these areas to accommodate inter-dependencies and create opportunities for parallel policy development, subject to resource availability."

-- Excerpted verbatim from the WG Charter 

Refer to the Phase 1 Documents page for initial WG efforts further inventory and summarize key input documents to inform the WG's work plan, prior to WG deliberation on Phase 1 questions.