2016-08-17 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
22:00 PDT (Tuesday), 01:00 EDT, 06:00 London, 07:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/jnhobkh
1) Roll call/SOI updates
2) Review draft Problem Statement (below)
3) Continue review of example use cases: (below)
- Reputation Services (Rod Rasmussen)
- Investigate Abusive Domain (Rod Rasmussen)
- Find Domains Registered by Miscreant (Rod Rasmussen)
- Tech Issue Resolution Examples (Rob Golding)
All posted here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/8gCGBg
4) Confirm Next Meeting - Tuesday 23 August 16.00 UTC
Apologies: Steve Metalitz, Marc Anderson, Greg Aaron, Holly Raiche, Michele Neylon, Richard Padilla, Scott Hollenbeck, Sara Bockey, Susan Prosser, Mark Svancarek
On audio only: none
Notes 17/08 – RDS PDP WG Meetiing
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LQANBg.
1. Roll Call / SOI Updates:
- Audio only: Geoffrey Noakes
- Reminder: please state your name before speaking for transcription purposes, mute your microphones when not speaking
2. Review draft Problem Statement
- See draft problem statement circulated by small team
- Anonymous users are not a stakeholder according to the problem statement? Intent was not to leave them out or exclude them, so maybe updates are needed to address this point.
- 'us' in the last paragraph is Working Group? Yes, correct. Can be updated.
- Why is purpose of DNS important in this context? RDS is part of the DNS so understanding the purpose of DNS helps understand purpose of RDS, but if updates / clarifications are helpful, this should be considered. DNS is far more constrained, already a number of examples in which DNS and RDS has been confused. Using DNS here will make things more difficult not easier. Consider removing 'purpose of the Domain Name System' - no objections.
- How constraining is the problem statement on the work the WG is doing? Is it an aspirational guidepost or is it more than that? Purpose of problem statement was that it would be helpful to formulate a problem statement as a result of discussions in Helsinki - aspirational statement in fulfilling our charter. Needs to be consistent with the charter, but it is not something the WG is bound to like the charter. Tool to aid discussion, not a constraint. Consider adding paragraph to problem statement: 'this is an aspiration goal, a tool, not end all', something along those lines. Sub-team referred to it as an executive summary of the charter - it is not meant to change/modify the charter.
- Consider edit to first sentence: after 'has been tasked with' add determining whether a new RDS is needed, and, if so, definining the policies', etc. Consider moving this to the end of the sentence. Or add 'if a new RDS is needed' at the end of the system. Charter does require to determine requirements, development of policies only happens after decision is taken that new system is needed.
- Is 'ever-evolving global internet' to broad? Those needs are way beyond the scope of the WG. Consider changing it to something like 'applicable domain name needs' of the ever-evolving global internet. Consider changing "meet the needs" -> "meet the needs, as described further below,". Is 'of the existing and ever-evolving global internet' still necessary with this change? Consider at a minimum restricting it to the 'domain name needs' of the existing and ever-evolving global internet.
- Move 'determining whether a new RDS is needed' to the end of the sentence.
- Is 'individual registrants' intended to limit it to individuals, or does it refer to any type of registrants? Remove 'individual'.
Action item #1: staff to create a redline version of the changes proposed during the meeting (attached here) and distribute it to the WG.
Action item #2: WG to review redline version of the problem statement and share any further comments/edits with the mailing list ahead of next week's meeting.
3) Continue review of example use cases:
- Review of use cases will continue in next two meetings (23 and 30 August). Does not mean that if further use cases come up later on these cannot been added.
- Use cases do not need to be limited to what happens today, can also focus on potential future uses
Reputation Services (Rod Rasmussen)
- See use case presented during meeting (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/8gCGBg)
- Questions/discussion: this is a use case that is done and exists today with use case focusing on how to apply it in a potential future world. Under data elements, email addresses and other contact addresses are added. Is it primarily email address that is used or are other elements also added? Most reputational services are fairly light and may look at limited set of data, more sophisticated models will use more information.
Investigate Abusive Domain (Rod Rasmussen)
- See use case presented during meeting (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/8gCGBg)
- Questions/discussion: is this a use case in which the registrant may not be the abuser?- could fit this use case. Similar to previous use cases, but those did not completely capture what to get out of this. Registrant vs. administrative contact should be highlighted in the context of what the RDS is supposed to do. Admin contact is often the party you need to reach for domain name renewal, transfer, purchase, etc. Investigation may be done before LE gets involved which this use case highlights. Need to consider what is within ICANN's remit and what isn't - reputational investigation is not within the remit. Use cases do tease out who is responsible for what, how to parce different types of uses. Is this an attempt to make RDS a one stop shop for investigators, is that really the purpose of RDS? Is IP address or credentials used for registration normally accessible to Ops Sec? Not provided via public WHOIS today, LE can request via legal processes, but can Ops Sec get that data today? Often that data is not available to Ops Sec directly, although it is available to Law Enforcement through subpoena, etc. However many registrars have Terms of Service that would allow that data to be provided if ToS is violated by an abusive domain name, in which case Ops Sec would have access. Need to consider privacy considerations.
Find Domains Registered (Rod Rasmussen)
- Deferred to next week
ech Issue Resolution Examples (Rob Golding)
- Deferred to next week
All posted here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/8gCGBg and individually in Meeting Materials below
4) Confirm Next Meeting - Tuesday 23 August 16.00 UTC
- For next meeting, pick up remaining use cases and finalise problem statement
- For ICANN57, RDS PDP WG is expected to have 4 hour meeting slot on Thursday 3 November
- Further information on Visa requirements is expected to be published shortly in combination with a webinar on logistics early September.
Meeting Materials:
- RDS PDP WG Problem Statement - Draft 14 August.docx and PDF
- Redlined updated to above draft Problem Statement
- 17-Reputation Services (Rod Rasmussen) and PDF
- 21-Investigate Abusive Domain (Rod Rasmussen) and PDF
- 22-Find Domains Registered by Miscreant (Rod Rasmussen) and PDF
- 20-Tech Issue Resolution Examples (Rob Golding) and PDF