2016-10-04 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group
The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 4 October at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes
09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/j7b9heu
Proposed Agenda – RDS PDP WG Meeting - Tuesday, 04 October 2016 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes
- Roll call/SOI update
- Brief Updates: status update, ICANN57
- Call for volunteers to complete pending PR assignments:
- Review of codings
- Outstanding possible requirements from new EU GDPR (Final Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (27 April 2016)
- Continue work on statement of purpose
- Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday 11 October at 16:00 UTC
Apologies: Michele Neylon, Greg Shatan
On audio only: Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, Holly Raiche
Notes 4/10 – RDS PDP WG Meeting
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki above.
1. Roll call/SOI update
- Roll call will be taken from AC
- Please remember to update your SOI
2. Brief Updates: status update, ICANN57
- Submitted meeting request, now finalizing schedule for ICANN57
- Update on all things WHOIS has been identified as a high-interest topic - this would include work of RDS PDP WG. The GAC will take the lead in organizing and planning this high-interest topic session.
- Status update was distributed to WG mailing list and posted to wiki to help inform others, including the Board, of this WG's progress
3. Call for volunteers to complete pending PR assignments:
a. Review of codings - a number of volunteers have come forward (Fabricio Vayra, Vicky Schlecker, Rod Rasmussen, Susan Kawaguchi and Beth Allegretti) who will work with staff to review the mapped codes reflected in Draft 4 of the Possible Requirements list. Hope to complete work next week.
b. Outstanding possible requirements from new EU GDPR (Final Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (27 April 2016): Greg Shatan has started on this but would appreciate assistance in extracting PRs from this large key input document.
Action Item #1: WG members asked to volunteer to assist with GDPR possible requirements; seeking 2-3 volunteers to assist Greg with completing this task for inclusion in the WG's Possible Requirements List.
4. Continue work on statement of purpose
Overall comments:
- Hollenbeck already resolved
Title comment:
- Should collection be included in this statement of purpose? Does it fall within this WG's charter since data is collected by the shared Registry System (based on EPP)?
- What Registries collect for the purpose of running their business is not necessarily our business, but what is relayed to the RDS is.
- As long as something is mandated by ICANN in its accreditation of registrars, then it is part of the policy framework to be addressed by this WG. You can't determine policy for privacy unless it includes the collection instrument.
- The RDS itself doesn't collect data; it provides access to data already collected. The protocols don't talk about data collection.
- Problem is using terms without defining them. Whatever is in the RDS will be a subset of what is actually collected.
- Terminology difference between RDDS and RDS - RDDS includes data and directory services, while RDS doesn't - was this distinction intended to narrow the scope of this PDP to directory service?
- If the scope is just directory service, then it does not include the shared registration system that is based on existing protocols - changing that would require mapping from existing system to any new system
- Note that EWG considered this and recommended a new approach for collecting and updating contact data that would collect contact data directly from those contacts, separate from DN registrations, and then be able to reuse those contacts for registrations
- For now, leave title as-is; this doesn't need to limit what the WG addresses
Intro paragraph comments:
- Accept edits to first paragraph
- For second paragraph, distinction intended is between purposes of users and actions, not purposes of data elements - trying to manage access to information about a domain name registration; this relates to purpose of access for specific users, not necessarily purpose of managing access. Resolution is to delete affected sentence.
- Delete residual reference to prerequisite conditions - now Goals for each RDS Purpose.
Overall Goals comments:
- Goal a) - must be considered in conjunction with proposed deletion of Goals b)-e)
- Maybe Overall Goals were useful to frame the conversation but may not be useful to include in statement of purpose itself.
- Note there was considerable discussion about placing several goals in the overall goals or goals for each purpose - deleting from overall goals shouldn't prevent keeping some (e.g., d) and e) and f) ) as goals for specific purposes
Goals for each Purpose comments:
- Note above discussion of keeping d) and e) and moving them back to this section - want to retain these criteria for each specific purpose that would then be listed in the last section
- Goal ii) - Regarding generic top level domain names - this should also apply to second level etc. domain names under gTLDs. Refer instead to registration data associated with gTLDs
- Goal iv) - Does this leap ahead to needing an RDS without articulating a rationale for collecting & maintaining registration data? Proposed resolution is to add ", if there is one" - but there will be a rationale, the question is what the rationale is for (to be determined by WG). Agree not to delete bullet at this time.
Specific Purpose for RDDS comments:
- #1 - Strike "to enable management..." because that's just one use case, yet to be deliberated upon as a requirement
- #1 - consider revising to framing statement rather than statement of purpose - left open, not agreed yet
- #3 - proposed renumbering of 3a) and 3b) as 3 and 4 to be applied to next draft
Action Item #2: Staff to produce and distribute a redline that reflects today's call agreements and resolutions, including open items
5. Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday 11 October at 16:00 UTC
Meeting Materials:
- DraftRDSStatementofPurposev6-Comments-3October2016
- Redline of above: DraftRDSStatementofPurposev7-Comments-upd5October2016.doc