2016-04-20 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, 20 April at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
22:00 PDT (Tuesday), 01:00 EDT, 06:00 London, 07:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/joaakhp
Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Wednesday, 20 April 05:00 UTC
1. Roll call / SOIs
2. Report from each small team: Privacy, Data, Purpose
o Update on progress since last WG call (team leader)
o Preliminary thoughts on which inputs summarized by your team are likely to be most helpful to this PDP and why (team members)
3. Confirm next steps and target date to complete small team outputs
4. Confirm next meeting date (Tuesday, 26 April - may be used for small team calls)
Apologies: Saymon Rhuano Dias de Andrade, Benny Samuelsen, Andrew Sullivan, Steven Metalitz, Don Blumenthal, Greg Aaron, Alan Greenberg, Daniel Nanghaka, Maryan Rizinski, Farell Folly
On audio only: none
- Roll call will be taken from Adobe Connect
- Update to SOIs: Susan Kawaguchi - Facebook has acquired a registrar. Will update SOI shortly to reflect this.
- EWG Recommendations - identified very clearly purposes behind data use (see relevant sections)
- 2012 WHOIS Policy Review Team Report
- SAC055
- 2007 GAC Communique regarding WHOIS
- 2013 RAA - includes specific uses by registrars
- Article 29 WP opinion (03/2003) on purpose limitation
- Article 29 WP on ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2007)
- Article 29 WP on legitimate interests of data controller (2014)
- Whois Task Force Final Report
- SAC 054
- EWG Recommendations, including tutorials and FAQs
- RA Spec 4
- SAC 054
- EWG Recommendations
- Small team outputs are more than most important documents. List of questions have been circulated (see 'plan to consolidate summaries and complete & present team outputs')
- Each team encouraged to provide their feedback to these questions in the next week.
- Sub-teams will need to verify summaries submitted to ensure nothing was missed. In the case of some documents, it may be difficult to only have a few bullet points. However, bullet points may help guide full WG in a concise way but recognising that the WG may need to dig into the full details at some point.
- Staff will consolidate summaries into one document for each sub-team. Some summaries are uneven depending on the expertise of the members of the team - those with specific expertise or where involved in the development of these documents, are encouraged to review the summaries.
- Focus on relevance of the work for the PDP, not necessarily overall importance / relevance in a broader context.
- Be careful to not jump ahead in relation to conclusions and blending issues. Maybe first two teams could look at purpose and data without looking at privacy concerns and not mix things? Leave privacy considerations to privacy sub-team and not blend at this stage.
- Suggestion for next week's meeting to add a little bit of time before and after (135 minutes total) to allow for each of the three teams to have 45 minutes to finalise responses to questions. This will require each of the sub-teams to have done work on the mailing list prior to the call.
- Put this suggestion forward to the mailing list to request input.
- What needs to happen prior to the next meeting: few summaries missing from each team - these will need to be submitted (staff will send out reminders), consolidated summary documents will be produced in the next few days for sub-team reviews, sub-teams to agree on most relevant documents as well as other questions identified, review summaries and pull out key points from these most relevant documents. Next step would be to finalise work plan. Ideally the WG will be able to complete this part of the work shortly so it can move into the actual deliberations and development of requirements.
Reference Documents
Input-Checklist-Purpose 19 April 2016.pdf
Input-Checklist-Data 19 April 2016.pdf
Input-Checklist-Privacy 19 April 2016.pdf
Meeting materials: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/jwQNBg (this page)
RDS PDP WG Wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CAANBg
Phase 1 Documents: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/RAANBg (including each small team's latest checklist)
Small Team Members and Mailing List Archives: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/dgQNBg