2016-02-16 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
Dear All,
The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 16 February at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PST, 11:00 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/hntrofe
1.Roll call / SOIs
2. Update from Leadership Team
3. Review of WG membership & expertise update (see email circulated on 12 Feb - http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-wg/2016-February/000202.html)
4. Mind map brain storm (see attached)
5. Outreach to SO/Acs & GNSO SG/Cs (if time allows)
6. Next steps / confirm next meeting
Apologies: Lori Schulman, Peter Kimpián, Tjabbe Bos, Chris Hagstrom, Tapani Tarvainen, Alex Deacon, Kiran Malancharuvil, Rob Golding, John Bambenek
On audio only: On Audio Only: Lawrence Olawale-Roberts
Notes/Action items 16 February 2016 - Next–Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting
1. Roll call/ SOI
- Note, observers have read-only access to the mailing list and do not receive the call details. If you want to change your status, you can inform the GNSO Secretariat accordingly.
- Members are required to provide a Statement of Interest in order to participate in the Working Group.
- Updates to SOIs are requested at the start of every meeting.
Action item #1: Please complete / update your Statement of Interest if you have not done so yet.
Action item #2: Review whether AC 'real estate' can be adjusted to allow for more space for the chat window.
2. Update from Leadership Team
- Leadership team recommends that Chuck serve as Chair, with Michele, Susan and David Cake serving as vice-chairs.
- Leadership team proposed to continue with weekly meetings of 90 meetings each at 16.00 UTC with the last meeting of every month scheduled at 5.00 UTC on Wednesday to accomodate the spread of WG members (see time zone spread of RDS WG overview attached). Leadership team will revisit when switch to daylight savings happens. Leadership team to review attendance & participationi over time.
- Leadership team has reached out to the Board Working Group on RDS to discuss how to best include their involvement in this effort.
Action item #3: Staff to send out schedule of meetings over next couple of months based on this rotation (Tuesday's at 16.00 UTC except for the last meeting of the month which will take place on Wednesday's at 5.00 UTC)
Action item #4: Request GNSO Council to confirm RDS Leadership Team during its upcoming meeting on Thursday 18 February.
3. Review of WG membership & expertise update (see email circulated on 12 Feb - http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-wg/2016-February/000202.html)
- WG to review membership to ensure that the expertise that is needed is present and that all stakeholders are present that are affected by RDS.
- Call for volunteers was circulated to the mailing list - volunteers to date are Holly, Karnika and Liz. Additional volunteers: Steve Metalitz, Stephanie Perrin.
- Different ways in which expertise can be 'invited' - could be in the form of WG members, but also as needs are identified specific outreach can be conducted.
- Small team to consider identifying needed expertise first, followed by identification of possible gaps.
- Consider reviewing all SOIs for relevant expertise as well as representation from different groups.
- See RDS Risk Survey which includes list of definitions for WHOIS Providers and Users which was circulated together with the call for volunteers.
- Unless you specifically communicate that the views are you expressing are on behalf of a certain group, the assumption is that the views expressed are your individual perspectives.
Action item #5 - Small team to report back to full WG on its findings and possible recommendations by the next meeting of the WG
4. Mind map brain storm
- See message of Chuck circulated to the mailing list (date 15 Feb)
- Three phases of work as outlined in the charter. First phase is to develop requirements and decide whether a new RDS is needed or whether existing WHOIS system can be used with some modifications. Actual policy development is targeted for phase 2. This does not mean that policy implications cannot be considered in phase 1, but need to avoid getting into the policy development phase prematurely.
- Work is divided into 11 questions which apply to all three phases - use to guide work. Interdependencies likely in these questions which may mean going back and forth as needed.
- Mind map breaks the 11 areas down into 1-5 (critical for answering fundamental questions of phase 1 - whether new RDS is needed or not).
- Leadership team to develop first draft of work plan for WG review, unless there are objections.
- Review requirements now and going foreward, not get bogged down by rationale for which it was originally created.
- Not all purposes may be legitimate and may not need to be supported in any existing or new model.
- Add legal review in relation to Thick Whois as one of the items to be reviewed to wiki
- Questions on retention of data and how data is escrowed should be added to section 1.1. Briefly touched upon under system model in EWG work. WG could also consider adding it to data elements? Both data escrow and retention are under active discussion between ICANN and accredited registrars.
Action item #6 - Leadership team to develop first draft of work plan for WG review during next meeting.
Action item #7 - Everyone to review the mind map and suggest if any information or any items are missing (see attached).
Action item #8 - Staff to add Thick Whois legal review to items to be reviewed
5. Outreach to SO/Acs & GNSO SG/Cs
- Leadership team to come back with suggestions prior to next meeting
- WG to obtain input from all GNSO SG/Cs and ICANN SO/ACs.
- Likely to request feedback multiple times - consider keeping this initial request limited to facilitate input and allow for more specific input during later stages of the work.
- Outreach to different groups does not need to be the same - can be tailored.
Action item #9 - Leadership team to come back with suggestions prior to next meeting
6. Next steps / confirm next meeting
- Next meeting to be scheduled for Wednesday 24 February at 5.00 UTC.
Action item #10 - Everyone to review key inputs as identified in the mind map (including Final Issue Report, EWG Final Report, GNSO PDP Manual and GNSOWG Guidelines).
Action item #11 - Staff to circulate doodle poll to allow for WG members to indicate whether they are planning to attend in person, remotely or are not able to participate in the WG meeting that has been scheduled to take place in Marrakech on Wednesday 9 March from 16.00 - 18.00 local time.
Reference documents:
Next-Gen gTLD RDS to replace WHOIS PDP Mind Map - 9 Feb 2016