2016-04-12 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 12 April at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/zspl94k
Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Tuesday, 12 April 16:00 UTC
1. Roll call / SOIs
2. Read-out from each small team leader on progress to date
3. Proposed plan to consolidate summaries and complete & present team outputs to full WG
4. Confirm next meeting date (Wednesday, 20 April at 05:00 UTC)
Joining late: Marika Konings, Michele Neylon, Alan Greenberg
Apologies: Scott Hollenbeck, Greg Aaron, Vaibhav Aggarwal, Patrick Lenihan, Stefania Milan, Alex Deacon
On audio only: None
Notes/Action items
Notes and Actions from RDS PDP WG meeting on Tuesday, 12 April 16:00 UTC
1. Roll call / SOIs
- Members are required to provide a Statement of Interest in order to participate in the WG.
- Updates to SOIs are requested at the start of every meeting. No SOI updates were noted.
2. Read-out from each small team leader on progress to date
- Privacy team update - proceeding but still work left to go, still need to assign a few documents and still identifying a few additions. Have found that although some docs are reviewed by other teams, they still need to be reviewed by the privacy team from a privacy and data protection perspective. Volunteers not yet involved are still welcome to volunteer for additional assignments.
Action: Vicky Sheckler to be added to privacy team; volunteer to review docs by emailing privacy list.
Action: Team leaders to reach out to volunteers if more help is still needed by end of week. Members on the call volunteering to help after this week or after existing assignments are finished include Andrew Sullivan, Farell Folly, and Ayden Ferdeline.
- Purpose team update - all identified docs have been assigned, about 80% of docs have been summarized, the remainder of volunteers have committed to completing their reviews shortly. Noted that team commentary/insights may be useful to include in team's output. See agenda item 3 for discussion of plan to consolidate summaries (which are of varying levels) into team output.
- Data team update - all docs were assigned just after last week's call, about 75-80% of summaries have been submitted, still missing a few, the rest should arrive shortly. There has also been some discussion on-list about which inputs are most helpful from a data elements perspective - that will be included in team's output.
3. Proposed plan to consolidate summaries and complete & present team outputs to full WG
- Refer to proposed plan (attached and posted on wiki at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hwQNBg)
- Many summaries have been submitted already and we’re making good progress, but we do still need volunteers to complete the rest of the summaries, preferably this week.
- Want to consolidate summaries in as concise a way as possible to serve as a guide as the full WG moves forward. We do need to finish the work plan before deliberations. Next steps include…
- Staff is updating checklists with summaries and will gather into consolidated PDF
- Teams are asked to consider inputs docs and summaries to address several questions, including
(i) did the input produce any insights to inform the WG's work plan,
(ii) which inputs are likely to be most critical during WG deliberations – note that WG will not be limited by this insight, but it may be helpful when the time comes for deliberation
(iii) which inputs if any generated the most discussion within the teams – note that it is fine and even expected that teams will not fully agree on answers to questions; those differing views will be discussed within the full WG
(iv) which inputs are obsolete or superceded,
(v) what input gaps if any may need to be addressed later
(vi) other key takeaways the team wishes to share with the full WG
- Each team to discuss questions and use input lists, summaries, and answers to questions to complete their team's output
- Even if comments discussed on the email list do not end up in the team’s concise summary, they will still be available in the team’s email archive and helpful insights for use as the WG moves ahead
- Summaries will help us find and use inputs more quickly but that will not replace going back to input docs at the right time during the WG's detailed deliberations
- Summaries themselves may be voluminous and take some time to complete. The teams will need time to discuss summaries in order to answer the questions posed in the plan. Need to be realistic about timeframes.
- Teams are asked to indicate where there are disagreements but are not to begin deliberations (attempting to resolve differences) until we return to the full WG mode. Discussion will follow finalization of work plan and initiation of early outreach to SO/ACs and SG/Cs
- Teams can decide what method(s) this wish to use to answer questions.
- For example, teams may wish to ask members to define or rank importance/relevance level for all or some docs, to help avoid lengthy discussion – but method(s) are up to each team.
- Is it realistic to try to wrap up this initial input gathering/summarizing by the end of April? Teams need more time to complete this phase; this will be assessed based on progress by next WG call.
- For next WG call, teams are asked to report back progress and status.
Action: Staff to updated proposed plan to include reference to handling of points of disagreement in the team's output (see question iii above) and then distribute plan to full WG via email.
Action: All teams to complete summaries and move into addressing questions enumerated in this plan, using whatever method they may choose, reporting progress and preliminary thoughts on at least some of the questions during next WG call.
4. Confirm next meeting date (Wednesday, 20 April at 05:00 UTC)
Meeting materials: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hwQNBg
RDS PDP WG Wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CAANBg
Phase 1 Documents: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/RAANBg (including each small team's latest checklist)
Small Team Members and Mailing List Archives: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/dgQNBg
Reference documents:
Input-Checklist-Purpose 12 April 2016 1300.pdf
Input-Checklist-Data 12 April 2016 1300.pdf
Input-Checklist-Privacy 12 April 2016 1300.pdf
Meeting materials: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hwQNBg (this page)
RDS PDP WG Wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CAANBg
Phase 1 Documents: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/RAANBg (including each small team's latest checklist)
Small Team Members and Mailing List Archives: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/dgQNBg