2016-11-22 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group
The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes
09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/gmm2s7q
Proposed Agenda – RDS PDP WG Meeting – 22 November 2016 (subject to change)
1) Roll call/SOI update
2) Introduce poll #1 and proposed steps to progress deliberations:
· Recap overall approach
· Review proposed steps to progress deliberations and objective/approach of poll
· Review initial poll
· Review of initial results (click here, as of poll close)
· Discuss polling approach
3) Continue deliberations on additional possible requirements:
· Initial Deliberation List for Week 2
4) Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday, 29 November 2016 at 17:00 UTC
Apologies: Scott Hollenbeck, Nathalie Coupet, Kal Feher, Benny Samuelsen, Gregory Mounier, Farrell Folly
Staff: Marika Konings, Dennis Chang, Berry Cobb, Michelle DeSmyter
Notes 22/11 – RDS PDP WG Meeting
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki below.
1) Roll call/SOI update
- Reminder - please keep your SOIs up to date
- Attendance will be taken from Adobe Connect
2) Introduce poll #1 and proposed steps to progress deliberations:
- WG members encouraged to ask questions and/or clarifications as needed
Recap overall approach
- See slides presented during meeting which represent a sub-set of the slides presented during the Hyderabad F2F meeting
- Random, rotating selection of possible requirements for deliberation (users/purposes, data elements, privacy)
- Objective of this approach is to reach rough consensus in phase 1 resulting in a first and second Initial Report for public comment. Formal consensus call will happen after review of public comments received.
- Fundamental question (12e) will need to be answered as a result of deliberations: can the agreed to requirements be met by the current WHOIS system (either with or without modifications) or is a next-generation RDS needed?
- PR for deliberations are chosen based on random rotation, going from the top of the list down (incl. possible duplicates)
- Phase 1 focuses on requirements for policy. Only when that work has been completed a decision will be taken on whether to move forward to phase 2.
Review proposed steps to progress deliberations and objective/approach of poll
- See slides presented during meeting which graphically represent the steps detaled in the poll invitation
- How can we streamline or facilitate deliberation on long list of possible requirements? Leadership discussed and came up with this proposed 6-step approach. Additional ideas welcome as we test this proposal
- The shortest timeframe for completing all 6 steps is three weeks - may take more depending on each possible requrirement and level of difficulty
- Assumes 5 day initial poll response and 5 day period for further deliberation on wiki
- Initial test poll has been open since 17 Nov and will remain open until 25 Nov
- For those who already participated, if you feel you would like to submit a new response, just indicate this to staff and take the poll again
Action item: WG to please respond to the survey by 25 November - https://s.zoomerang.com/r/99FNX2W
Review initial poll
- See document that displays poll questions and introduction
- Members are encouraged to review the introduction before taking the poll.
- Leadership team very well aware that this will be an iterative approach and that view points may change as the conversation progresses, but need to find a way to start moving forward.
- Important to listen to different point of views in an effort to find common ground. Please approach survey in that sense.
- Four choices available in response to some of the questions: could support as-is, might support with refinement, could not support in any form, no opinion. Important to ensure that WG understand what these responses mean.
- Comments: too granular and random, difficult to see the broader picture and how this will connect. That made it difficult to respond. Should we look at key concepts instead of going into the current level of detail? Should a starting point be the EWG report and find out, conceptually, what people agree with and not, and accept the acceptable and negotiate/iterate where there is a difference? Draft recommendations in the poll where suggested during F2F meeting in Hyderabad as PR were multifaceted and could be read in different ways. Objective was to unravel PRs in different pieces to get better understanding of support (or lack thereof) which could then be pieced together again, if needed. Maybe it is a false assumption that the PR list needs to be reviewed in detail?
- Are there concerns / objections to the approach suggested (instead of going through requirements one by one, identify key concepts and reach rough consensus on those and then apply those to the possible requirements)? Could the EWG final report be used to identify those key concepts? Some concerns about EWG Final Report - did not have benefit of thorough analysis, shortcoming by not commit to actual purpose. EWG Final Report wouldn't be taken as is, just as a source to identify potential key concepts which would then be further deliberated by the WG. Would just serve as a starting point.
- The framework developed for this PDP already identified the key concepts - what is the WG looking for in addition when referring to key concepts? Important to distinguish between conclusions of EWG and concepts.
- Devil is in the detail, need to get down to that sooner rather than later to ensure there is a commen understanding of what key concepts mean.
- Also incorporate SSAC questions (SAC61) as part of consideration of EWG report? However, SAC61 commented on Initial Report not Final Report. SAC55 identified some of the bigger questions that may also apply here: Why are data collected? What purpose will the data serve? Who collects the data? Where is the data stored and how long is it stored? Where is the data escrowed and how long is it escrowed?Who needs the data and why? Who needs access to logs of access to the data and why?
- Should we start deliberating on SAC55 questions as a first step?
- Every document will have its own bias so important for WG to work through that and identify which parts it is able to support.
- Possible next steps: review EWG Final Report and SSAC documents to identifying issues and possible modification of approach on deliberating possible requirements? Note that some of these documents had specific restraints and RDS WG work should not be necessarily limited in the same way.
Action item: Staff to provide links to reports discussed during call as well as summaries developed and subsets derived from those documents (SAC61, WHOIS RT Report and EWG Final Report)
Action item: WG members (especially Greg Shatan) to review these three documents with specific focus in mind - pull out 'key concepts' / issues and share those with the mailing list prior to the next meeting that would facilitate deliberation and achieving consensus instead of focusing on the list of PRs.
Action item: WG to please respond to the survey by 25 November - https://s.zoomerang.com/r/99FNX2W
3) Continue deliberations on additional possible requirements:
- Initial Deliberation List for Week 2
- Deferred
4) Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday, 29 November 2016 at 17:00 UTC
Meeting Materials:
- Proposed steps to progress deliberations [PDF] - 17 Nov 2016
Includes further information about poll - RDS PDP WG Possible Requirement Poll #1 - 17 Nov 2016
URL for WG members to participate in poll: https://s.zoomerang.com/r/99FNX2W
PDF of poll questions for offline reference or printing: RDS-PR-Poll1-Final.pdf
Poll #1 Results [PDF]- 26 Nov 2016 - Initial Deliberation List for Week 2 - 17 Nov 2016