2016-01-26 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
The first GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 26 January at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PST, 11:00 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/js7e3rj
1. Welcome
2. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
3. Introductions
4. Scheduling of meetings
5. Principles of transparency and openness
6. Election of WG Leaders
7. Items for review: WG Background materials, WG Charter, Working Group Guidelines, GNSO Policy Development Process
8. Development of work plan: it is required that WGs develop a work plan that outlines the necessary steps and expected timing in order to achieve the milestones set out in the WG Charter
9. Confirmation of next meeting / next steps
Apologies: Jim Galvin, Benny Samuelsen, James Gannon, Jeff Eckhaus, Don Blumenthal, Rudi Daniel
On audio only: Matthew Quattrochi, Vinit Sinha, Richard Cox
Action items 26/1
Note, observers have read-only access to the mailing list and do not receive the call details. If you want to change your status, you can inform the GNSO Secretariat accordingly.
Members are required to provide a Statement of Interest in order to participate in the Working Group.
Action item #1: Please complete / update your Statement of Interest if you have not done so yet.
Action item #2: Everyone is encouraged to introduce themselves via the mailing list.
Action item #3: WG to review membership and affiliation to ensure that there is sufficent representation from all different perspectives of the community. Review this item at an upcoming WG meeting.
Scheduling of meetings:
Length of the call - proposal to have a duration of 90 minutes
Weekly meetings or meetings every two weeks while the CCWG-Accountability is in progress:
Consider using the next couple of weeks for intro tutorials that would focus on the substance that will be discussed and reviewed.
Consider rotating 1 out of 4 meetings, based on WG membership. Once leadership is in place, it will review the options and discuss with WG accordingly. For the next meeting, the current time of 16.00 UTC will be kept.
Action item #4: Devote next WG meeting to providing an overview of key materials and info. Staff to put together some short tutorials and resend all available resources to the WG to review those in preparation to that meeting.
Action item #5: Schedule weekly calls of 90 minutes.
Transparency & Openness
Reminder: all calls are recorded and transcribed, mailing list are publicly archived and SOIs are required to participate in this WG as a member.
WG Leadership
See proposed composition email by Chuck
Consider a maximum of 4 for the leadership team - team can sort out itself whether that is in the form of chair/co-chairs/vice-chairs. Ideally consisting of people hailing from groups that may respesent the 'extremes' on this topic as that may be helpful in facilitating the WG deliberations.
Leadership team to be diverse
Aim to get call for volunteers for WG leadership out by 26 January.
Action item #6: Those interested to volunteer for a leadership position are encouraged to express their interest on the mailing list, including a short intro demonstrating background in the issue as well as WG leadership experience required (see Tasks and Desirable Skills document as a reference). Volunteers also encouraged to indicate if they are volunteering for a specific role (e.g. chair or vice-chair). WG to review candidates and continue discussion on leadership structure during the call in two weeks time (9 February).
Action item #7: All WG members are encouraged to review background materials and related presentation.
Action item #8: WG encouraged to start thinking about work plan and steps needed to carry out the work, including outreach.
Action item #9: Staff to preparate a mind map that will pull the different aspects of the charter together that is aimed to faciliate the WGs discussions on the work plan.
Next meeting to be scheduled for Tuesday 2 February at 16.00 UTC.
Reference documents: