2016-03-01 Next-Gen RDS PDP WG Meeting
The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 01 March at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PST, 11:00 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/gurj9qm
Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Tuesday 1 March 16:00 UTC
- Roll call / SOIs
- Review of WG membership & expertise update
- Review rules of engagement (see section IV of the Charter - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/YAANBg)
- Review and discuss draft work plan (draft work plan will be circulated in separate email)
- Confirm next steps and next meeting
Apologies: Carlton Samuels, Roger Carney, Stefania Milan, Holly Raiche, Andrew Sullivan, Susan Prosser, Don Blumenthal, Chuck Gomes
On audio only: Jeremy Malcolm
Notes/Action items 24 February 2016 - Next–Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting
1. Roll call/ SOI
- Note, observers have read-only access to the mailing list and do not receive the call details. If you want to change your status, you can inform the GNSO Secretariat accordingly
- Members are required to provide a Statement of Interest in order to participate in the Working Group
- Updates to SOIs are requested at the start of every meeting.
2. Review of WG membership & expertise update
- Small team has further refined the categories based on the input received
- Staff has developed a mock-up of the poll on membership expertise
- Poll will be circulated shortly to the WG for their input
- WG members will be asked to self-identify their expertise.
- Basic categories hopefully cover expertise expected to be required as part of this PDP - WG can provide additional details as part of their responses
- Civil law means non-criminal
- Consider having an investigator category? Or have private investigator / researcher without refrence to cyber-crime?
- Government advisory - change to Government and add a sub-category for advisory/lobbying
- Consider standalone category for GAC
- Should a category for NGOs be added under non-commercial?
- WG members will be able to check any category that applies to them
- Consider adding legislative category
- Consider adding a cyber-security category as well as IP theft investigator?
- Does e-business cover those managing domain name portfolios?
- Avoid going into too much details - the 'other' category allows for detailing specific exertise that may not be represented in the poll.
- Add to the intro for 2 that you should check areas that are closest to your expertise, and may elaborate in #3
- Survey to be completed by 7 March at the latest to allow the WG to review responses during 9 March meeting
Action item #1: Sub team to finalise poll immediately following this call
Action item #2: Staff to circulate SurveyMonkey poll link to WG members
Action Item #3: WG members invited to respond to poll by Monday 7 March
Action Item #4: Sub team to review and present results and outreach recommendations at Wednesday's meeting
3. Review rules of engagement (see section IV of the Charter - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/YAANBg)
Explains how consensus is assessed in the context of a PDP process
- Initial report may preceed formation of consensus, and include concepts for discussion upon which consensus has not yet been reached
- Level of consensus is to be included in the WG's Final Report to inform the GNSO Council
- Polls are to be used sparingly as a method of coming to consensus
- Guildelines identify process for use in resolving disagreement
- Charter is intended to be flexibile (i.e., at a minimum, consider...) but if the WG wants clarification or feels the charter is in some way limiting, it may request clarification/changes from the GNSO Council
- Note that for this PDP, a group of GNSO Councilors and Board Members (EP-WG) developed a process framework to help the WG organize its work. The WG may also ask that group for clarification or insights
Action Item #5: All WG members to review WG Charter, including rules of engagement
4. Review and discuss draft work plan
- See draft work plan shared by Chuck on 29 February (link below)
- Note the assumptions that were made in creating the draft outline
- Phase 1 is focused on agreeing on requirements
- Should question first be asked what data is collected and for what purposes? WG needs to further think about this question. EWG struggled with similar question in its deliberations. Difficult to answer what data is collected without purpose / use cases.
- Should input be obtained upfront from Data Protection Commissioners?
- Framework is clear that all questions need to be considered collectively before a conclusion is reached.
- Consider conducting a tuturial on the process framework to better understand why that group came up with the order as it did as a lot of thought went into that.
- SAC055 - Blind Men and Elephant Report also provides further insight into the suggested order of questions. Foundational question is what is the purpose of registration data. SAC054 discussed data model for registration data which asked the question of purpose in a slightly different way. EWG did a good job providing an overview of existing uses, but should focus also be what is within the remit considering ICANN's mission? Many other use cases are anxiallary to the main purpose (management of the DNS - support life cycle of a domain name) in the view of SAC054.
Action item #6: All to review the draft work plan and provide feedback on the mailing list prior to the WG meeting on 9 March. Review the draft work plan in conjunction with Charter as well as Process Framework.
Action item #7: Add to agenda for Marrakech meeting whether what data is collected or for what purpose should be considered first? Also consider order of other questions.
Action item #8: Discuss further in Marrakech how to involve Data Protection Commissioners and what questions could be asked to help inform the WG deliberations.
Action item #9: Add tutorial on the process framework to the agenda for the F2F meeting and consider inviting members that participated in the framework group to the session to provide further details.
Action item #10: Staff to circulate reference / overview of current data elements collected per the RAA.
5. Confirm next steps and next meeting
- Next meeting will take place during the ICANN Meeting in Marrkech on 9 March from 16.00 - 18.00 local time. Remote participation details will be circulated shortly.
Reference documents:
RDS PDP WG Draft Outline of a Phase 1 Work Plan prepared 29 February 2016.docx