Key Input Document – Title and Hyperlink | Volunteer | Done |
EWG Report | | |
EWG Final Report, FAQs, and Research (2014) | Chuck Gomes | Y |
| | |
WHOIS Task Force & Policy Review Team Reports | | |
WHOIS Policy Review Team Final Report (2012) | Susan Kawaguchi Kathy Kleiman | Y Y |
WHOIS Task Force Final Report (2007) [HTML] and [PDF] | | |
WHOIS Task Force Final Report (2003) | | |
| | |
WHOIS Studies Documents | | |
GNSO Council Recommendation on Further Studies of WHOIS (2008) | Richard Padilla | Y |
WHOIS Misuse Study and Final Study Report (2014) | Richard Padilla | d5 (partial) |
WHOIS Registrant Identification Study and Final Study Report (2013) | | |
WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Services Abuse Study and Final Study Report (2014) | | |
WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Relay/Reveal Survey and Final Survey Results (2012) | | |
NORC WHOIS Accuracy Study (2010) | | |
NORC Study on the Prevalence of Domain Names Registered Using A Privacy or Proxy Service Among the Top 5 gTLDs (2010) | | |
US GAO Prevalence of False Contact Information for Registered Domain Names Study (2005) | | |
GNSO WHOIS Technical Requirements Survey (2013) | | |
| | |
SSAC Reports about WHOIS | | |
SAC061, SSAC Comment on ICANN’s Initial Report from the Expert Working Group (2013) | Greg Aaron | Y |
SAC058, Report on Domain Name Registration Data Validation (2013) | Maryan Rizinski | Y |
SAC055, WHOIS: Blind Men and an Elephant (September 2012) | Greg Aaron | Y |
SAC054, Report on Domain Name Registration Data Model (June 2012) | Holly Raiche | Y |
SAC051, Report on Domain Name WHOIS Terminology (2011) | Jim Galvin | Y |
| | |
Registry & Registrar Agreements | | |
2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), including RAA WHOIS requirements for Registrants (2013) | Sara Bockey | Y |
2014 New gTLD Registry Agreement, including Specification 4 Registration Data Publication Services (2014) | Vlad Dinculescu | Y |
| | |
WHOIS Program Improvement Documents | | |
Accuracy Reporting System (ARS) Pilot Study Report (2014) | | |
ICANN Blog: Phase 1 of the ARS | | |
ARS Phase 1 Validation Criteria (2015) | Greg DiBiase | Y |
ICANN WHOIS Portal Knowledge Center Q&A: What is WHOIS data used for? | | |
WHOIS Information Portal and Consolidated WHOIS Lookup Tool | | |
WHOIS Primer | | |
Annual Report on WHOIS Improvements (2014) | | |
WHOIS Implementation Report (2015) | | |
Final Report from the Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data (2015) | Jim Galvin, Amr Elsadr | reassigned Aug 13 |
Final Report from the Expert Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data (2015) | Jim Galvin, Amr Elsadr | reassigned Aug 13 |
ICANN Memorandum (Legal Review) to the IRT on Thin to Thick WHOIS Transition - Final Memorandum and Scope (2014-2015) | | |
RDAP Operational Profile for Registries and Registrars (2016) | | |
| | |
Related GNSO PDP Reports | | |
GNSO PDP on Thick WHOIS and Final Report (2013) | Steve Metalitz | Y |
GNSO PDP on Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI), Final Report, and GNSO Council Recommendations to Board (2015) | Susan Kawaguchi | d5 |
GNSO PDP on Translation/Transliteration of Contact Information and Final Report (2015) | Jim Galvin, Amr Elsadr | reassigned Aug 13 |
| | |
Procedure for Handling Conflicts with National Laws | | |
GNSO Policy underlying current ICANN Procedure (2006) | | |
ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2008) | | |
Review of the ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2014) | Nathalie Coupet | Y |
2013 RAA's Data Retention Specification Waiver and Discussion Document (2014) | Greg Mounier | Y |
| | |
Other GNSO WHOIS Consensus Policies | | |
WHOIS Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy | Ankur Raheja | Y |
WHOIS New gTLD URS Policy and Rules for URS Policy | Ankur Raheja Greg Aaron | Y Y |
WHOIS Expired Domain Deletion Policy | Daniel Nanghaka | Y |
WHOIS Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy | Vlad Dinculescu | Y |
| | |
GAC Communiques regarding WHOIS | | |
Marrakech GAC Communiqué (March 2016) | Maryan Rizinski | Y |
Singapore GAC Communiqué (11 February 2015) | Maryan Rizinski | Y |
Los Angeles GAC Communiqué (16 October 2014) | Maryan Rizinski | Y |
London GAC Communiqué (25 June 2014) | Maryan Rizinski | Y |
Singapore GAC Communiqué (27 March 2014) | Maryan Rizinski | Y |
Beijing GAC Communiqué (11 April 2013) | | |
GAC 44 Prague Communiqué (28 June 2012) | | |
GAC Principles regarding gTLD WHOIS Services (28 March 2007) | Tjabbe Bos | Y |
Law Enforcement Due Diligence Recommendations for ICANN (2010) | Vicky Sheckler | Y |
GAC Comments to Initial Report on the PPSAI PDP (Sep 2015) | Vicky Sheckler | Y |
GAC Public Comments to 2013 RAA WHOIS Accuracy Specification Review | Vicky Sheckler | Y |
GAC Comments to New gTLD Program Safeguards Against DNS Abuse Report (19 May 2016) | Vicky Sheckler | Y |
| | |
Article 29 Data Protection Working Party Letters and Documents | | |
Article 29 WP statement on the data protection impact of the revision of the ICANN RAA (2013-2014) | Vicky Sheckler | Y |
Article 29 WP comments on the data protection impact of the revision of the ICANN RAA concerning accuracy and data retention of WHOIS (2012) | | |
Article 29 WP on ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (2007) | Fabricio Vayra | Y |
Article 29 WP on ICANN’s WHOIS Database Policy (2006) | | |
Article 29 WP 76 Opinion 2/2003 | Fabricio Vayra | Y |
Article 29 WP 5 Recommendation 2/1997 | | |
Article 29 WP 20 Opinion 3/1999 | | |
Article 29 WP 33 Opinion 5/2000 | Vicky Sheckler | Y |
Article 29 WP 41 Opinion 4/2001 | Vicky Sheckler | done |
Article 29 WP 56 Working Document 5/2002 | Vicky Sheckler | done |
Article 29 WP Opinion 1/2010 | | |
Article 29 WP 203 Opinion 3/2013 | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
Article 29 WP 217 Opinion 4/2014 | Richard Padilla | Y |
| | |
Council of Europe Declaration | | |
Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on ICANN, human rights and the rule of law (3 June 2015) | | |
Council of Europe's Treaty 108 on Data Protection (1985) | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
| | |
European Parliament | | |
News: Data protection reform – Parliament approves new rules fit for the digital era (April 2016) | | |
Final Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (27 April 2016) | Greg Shatan, other volunteers TBD | reconfirmed Sep 27 |
European Data Protection Directive (1995) | Sana Ali | Y |
| | |
EDPS Correspondence regarding Registration Data | | |
Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor: Europe's role in shaping the future of Internet Governance (23 June 2014) | | |
ICANN's public consultation on 2013 RAA Data Retention Specification Data Elements and Legitimate Purposes for Collection and Retention (17 April 2014) | Beth Allegretti | Y |
| | |
European Commission Website | | |
Obligations of Data Controllers | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
Definition of Data Controllers | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
| | |
European Commission EU-US Privacy Shield-related Documents | | |
European Commission News Announcement: EU-US Privacy Shield | | |
Judgement of the Court (Grand Chamber) - Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner | | |
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield draft (full text, February 2016) | | |
Opinion 01/2016 on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield draft adequacy decision of the Article 29 WP 238 | Sana Ali | Y |
| | |
Africa Union Documents | | |
Africa Union Convention on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection | Grace Mutung'u | Y |
| | |
International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications and Media Documents | | |
Common Position relating to Reverse Directories (Hong Kong, 15.04.1998) | | |
Common Position on Privacy and Data Protection aspects of the Registration of Domain Names on the Internet(Crete, 4./5.05.2000) | Stephanie Perrin | d5 |
Common Position on Privacy and Data Protection aspects of the Publication of Personal Data contained in publicly available documents on the Internet (Crete, 4./5.05.2000) | | |
Common Position on Incorporation of telecommunications-specific principles in multilateral privacy agreements: Ten Commandments to protect Privacy in the Internet World (Berlin, 13/14.09.2000) | | |
Common Position on data protection aspects in the Draft Convention on cyber-crime of the Council of Europe(Berlin, 13/14.09.2000) | | |
| | |
United Nations Human Rights Council | | |
Human Rights Council - Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy (2016) | Ayden Ferdeline | Y |
| | |
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) | | |
Green Paper: Improvement of Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses (1998) | Farell Folly | Y |
White Paper: Management of Internet Names and Addresses, Statement of Policy (2012) | Farell Folly | Y |
Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) | Farell Folly | Y |
| | |
National Laws or Court Rulings that may possibly apply to gTLDs, including | | |
U.S. Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), 15 USC §1125 | | |
Judgement on preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from Audiencia Nacional (Spain) | | |
U.S. Supreme Court Case - McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission, 514 U.S. 334 (1995) | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
The Constitution of the State of California (USA): Article 1, Section 1 | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
Massachusetts (USA) Right of Privacy, MGL c.214, s.1B | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
U.S. Judicial Redress Act of 2015 | | |
U.S. Federal Communications Commission Proposed Rule FCC 16-39: Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services | Carlton Samuels | Y |
Ghana Protection Act, 2012 | Grace Mutung'u | Y |
South Africa’s Act No. 4 of 2013: Protection of Personal Information Act | Grace Mutung'u | Y |
| | |
IETF RFCs | | |
Legacy WHOIS protocol (RFC 3912) (2004) | Scott Hollenbeck | Y |
Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP - RFC 7480) (2015) See also related RFCs 7481, 7482 and the RDAP Operational Profile under WHOIS Improvements above | Scott Hollenbeck Ayden Ferdeline | Y & Y Y |
Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP - RFC 5730) (2009) See also related RFCs 5731, 5732, 5733 | Scott Hollenbeck | Y |
Inventory and Analysis of WHOIS Registration Objects (RFC 7485) (2015) | | |
Privacy Considerations for Internet Protocols (RFC 6973) (2013) | Stephanie Perrin | reconfirmed Sep 30 |
| | |
Other Industry Expert Publications identified by PDP WG sub-teams thus far | | |
Privacy & Information Security Law Blog: Article 29 Working Party Clarifies Purpose Limitation Principles | | |
Anti-Phishing Working Group Advisory on Utilization of Whois Data For Phishing Site Take Down (2008) | | |
Book: Global Tables of Data Privacy Laws and Bills (Greenleaf, 4rd Edition, January 2015) | Kathy Kleiman | Y |
Article: Global data privacy laws 2015: 109 countries, with European laws now a minority (Greenleaf) | | |
WorldLII Database of National Data Privacy Legislation | | |
Blog: The EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (Simon Stickley - Capco, 12 May 2016) | | |
Pew Research Center Surveys on Privacy: Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online (2013) What Americans Think About Privacy (2014) Teens, Social Media, and Privacy (2013) | | |
eMarketer Article: Who Do Great Britain's Internet Users Trust with Data? (2016) | | |
| | |
EWG Member Individual Statements and Blogs: (2014) | | |
Dissenting Report from Stephanie Perrin [PDF, 108 KB] by Stephanie Perrin, EWG Member | Ayden Ferdeline | Y |
How to Improve WHOIS Data Accuracy, by Lanre Ajayi, EWG Member | Qi Chao | Y |
Where Do Old Protocols Go To Die?, by Scott Hollenbeck, EWG Member | Stacie Walsh | Y |
Some Thoughts on the ICANN EWG Recommended Registration Directory Service (RDS), by Rod Rasmussen, EWG Member | Qi Chao | Y |
Building a Better WHOIS for the Individual Registrant, by Carlton Samuels, EWG Member | Stacie Walsh | Y |
| | |
Public Comments on RDS PDP Issue Report | | | Any referenced public comment document can be added here | | |