2016-09-27 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group
The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 27 September at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/zc6d8zx
Proposed Agenda for WG Call - Tuesday, 27 September 2016 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes
1. Roll Call / SOI
2. Continue discussion on Statement of Purpose
Review and comment on draft purpose statement (v5 redline)
3. Review Draft 4 of triaged possible requirements list
- Confirm deletion of remaining flagged PRs (those marked "??")
- Plan to confirm code mappings
- Progress update on PR assignments and plan to complete them
4. Confirm next meeting (Tuesday 4 October at 16.00 UTC)
AC Chat - not available due to technical difficulties
Apologies: Tjabbe Bos, Andrew Sullivan, Daniel Nanghaka, Holly Raiche, Jim Galvin, Geoffrey Noakes, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, Stephanie Perrin
On audio only Rod Rasmussen
Notes and Actions - 27 September WG Call
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki above.
1. Rol Call / SOI
- Roll call will be taken from AC
- Please remember to update your SOI
2. Continue discussion on Statement of Purpose
- Review and comment on draft purpose statement (v5 redline)
- See v5 redline version which has been circulated on the mailing list
- No further comments on first three paragraphs
- Continue discussion on section 'Prerequisite conditions for each RDS Purpose':
- What is distinction between overall goal section and prerequisite conditions & specific purposes? Where will this text ultimately end up? This concerns the overall purpose of RDS - goals for the statement are listed in the overall goals section. The prerequisites would apply to the purposes that are listed in the specific purposes section. Specific purposes would serve as a guideline for the deliberations on the requirements.
- Comment LP1 - one reason to list the purposes, there has to be a relationship between stated purpose and uses as this has a legal significance in the context of privacy and data protection legislation. Not clear whether the comment is focusing on this or whether certain purposes are in conflict with applicable laws. Any policy has to be consistent with applicable law, so no harm in keeping this here as a reminder. Maybe this should even be an overall goal? Need to provide framework that allows contracted parties to comply with applicable law. Note that goals related to statement, not to RDS. Would it be helpful to clarify that laws are not necessarily harmonised and as such in certain jurisdictions a certain purpose would be consistent while in others it may not? The purposes do not only apply to contracted parties, it is broader than that.
- Update gTLD domain names to generic top-level domain (gTLD) names.
- Does consistency with applicable laws help with determining whether a possible purpose should be recommended as a purpose of the RDS?
- Consistency is not the issue but the capability of being consistent is what is key - this would allow for accommodating different local laws. Consider changing to 'Capable of consistency with applicable laws'. Leave as is (consistency with applicable laws). Â
- Consider changing prerequisite conditions title to 'goals for each RDS purpose'. Support for this change.
- Consider adding to overall Goals of statement of purpose section: "f. To provide framework that enables contracted parties to comply with applicable laws". Support for this addition.
- v & vi - should these be moved up to overall goals or not? Note that goals d&e reflect moving up PreReq v & vi. Support for moving the goals up and deleting PreReq v & vi.
- Specific purposes for Registration Directory Services
- Why was registration data removed from the title? Something that needed to be revisited. Registration data is collected but may not all go into the RDS. Add registration data back in.
- Consider changing for 1 and 2 'the' to 'a' so it would read 'a purpose' instead of 'the purpose'. No objections to making this change.
- #2 - appears of track. The SRS is the system that provides registrars with access to registration data, not RDS. RDS provides publicly visibility and access into registration data.
- Aim to finish discussion and review during next week's meeting.
Action item #1: Marc Anderson to communicate on the list concerns about #2
Action item #2: Staff to accept redlines of previous version and circulate redline version with changes made during today's call
Action item #3: WG members to review updated purpose statement and share comments & input on the mailing list.
3. Review Draft 4 of triaged possible requirements list
Confirm deletion of remaining flagged PRs (those marked "??")
- As discussed on the mailing list, keep DA-D53-R03 as reworded and in different category.
- Keep PR-D49-R04 as there may be a relevance. Recommend renumbering/moving PR-D49-R04 to UP-D49-R0x so that triage mapping is similar to other moved PR.
- All others to be removed.
Action item #5: Steve Metalitz to review PR-D49-R04 and propose rewording and confirm category.
Plan to confirm code mappings: would be helpful if a few volunteers could confirm the code values / mappings. Staff would work with those volunteers. Volunteers requested.
Action item #6: Volunteers requested to come forward to review and confirm the code values / mappings.
Progress update on PR assignments and plan to complete them
- A couple of documents are still remaining to be completed. Leadership team has followed up with a number of volunteers. If no progress and/or responses are received by the end of the week, new volunteers will be sought.
4. Confirm next meeting (Tuesday 4 October at 16.00 UTC)
Meeting Materials