Small Team Members & Mailing List Archives

Small Team Members & Mailing List Archives

As detailed in this proposal, several small teams have been formed to collect, consolidate, concisely summarize, and then present inputs and information to help educate the full WG and inform finalization of the RDS PDP WG workplan. The small teams, their members, and their public email archive links are listed below. Refer to the full WG membership page for SOIs for all.

Refer to Phase 1 Documents page for draft input lists and summaries created by each team.


gnso-rds-pdp-purpose@icann.org              Coordinated by Susan Kawaguchi

Mailing list archive:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-purpose/

Purpose List members (as of 29 March 2016): 

Ade Cheek
Amr Elsadr
Ayden Férdeline
Beth Allegretti
Carlton Samuels
Chuck Gomes
David Cake
Donna Austin
Fabricio Vayra
Greg Aaron
Greg Shatan
James Galvin
Jody Kolker
Kathy Keliman
Kiran Malancharuvil
Lori Schulman
Maryan Rizinski
Michele Neylon
Nathalie Coupet
Otieno Antony
Peter Kimpian
Richard (Dick) Leaning
Roger Carney
Sana Ali
Stephanie Perrin
Susan Kawaguchi
Susan Prosser
Tjabbe Bos
Vaibhav Aggarwal
Vlad Dinculescu

gnso-rds-pdp-data@icann.org                    Coordinated by Michele Neylon

Mailing list archive:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-data/

Data List members (as of 29 March 2016): 

Adrian Cheek
Alex Deacon
Amr Elsadr
Ayden Federline
Benny Samuelson
Chuck Gomes
David Cake
Elaine Pruis
Gregory Mounier
Holly Raiche
Illiya Bazlyankov
Janay Mcwhorter
Janelle McAlister
Jody Kolker
Lawrence Owalale-Roberts
Michele Neylon
Nathalie Couper
Norm Ritchie
Otieno Antony
Richard Padilla
Roger Carney
Sana Ali
Susan Kawaguchi
Vaibhav Aggarwal
Vlad Dinculescu
Volker Greimann

gnso-rds-pdp-privacy@icann.org               Coordinated by David Cake

Mailing list archive:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-privacy/

Privacy list members (as of 29 March 2016):

Amr Elsadr
Ayden Federline
Carlton Samuels
Chris Hagstrom
Chuck Gomes
Daniel Ndannang
David Cake
Farell Folly
Grace Mutung’u
Greg Shatan
Justin Mack
Kathy Kleiman
Kiran Malancharuvil
Klaus Stoll
Michele Neylon
Nathalie Coupet
Nick Shorey
Otieno Antony
Peter Kimpian
Richard Padilla
Sana Ali
Sara Bockey
Stacie Walsh
Stephanie Perrin
Steve Metalitz
Susan Kawaguchi
Vaibhav Aggarwal
Vicky Sheckler


Each small team is has been tasked with focusing on one of the charter questions to concisely summarize available inputs and relevant background information. Upon completion, each small team is expected to present its summary to the full WG to help educate everyone about past work, available input documents, and other pertinent information relevant to each charter question, such as dependencies between questions which may need to be factored into the work plan.