The state of the gTLD expansion program

The state of the gTLD expansion program


On December 19 2013, the ALAC Leadership Team charged the ALAC new gTLD Working group with creating a statement on the current status of the expansion program, including analysis of the program and possibly recommending immediate measures to improve the program from the end-user perspective.




Link City-TLD Applicants And Individual Internet Users

(Comment from Thomas Lowenhaupt via TG5 discussions during #ATLAS2 at ICANN London meeting)

During the 2012 New TLD round 35+ cities were assigned TLDs without any requirement that Individual Internet Users be consulted in the planning and development of the cities’ applications. Applicants needed only present ICANN with a “Letter of Non-Objection” from the named city. This lack of engagement diminished the city’s ability to include the public interest in planning these city-TLDs.


  • Facilitate the engagement of Individual Internet Users in the development of applications for city-TLDs.
  • Require “Informed Consent” by cities applying for TLDs, with consent demonstrated by the engagement of all city stakeholders in the application development processes. 
  • The At-Large should be empowered to engage Individual Internet Users through the creation of local ALSes.
  • Create a Beginners Guide To Individual Internet User Engagement With Planning City-TLDs.