New gTLDs WG Meeting 2014-10-13 Los Angeles

New gTLDs WG Meeting 2014-10-13 Los Angeles

New gTLDs WG Meeting 

Date: Monday, 13 October 2014

Time: 18:00 UTC - 19:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Room: Olympic

Meeting Number: AL.gTLD/MT.1014/1

How can I participate in this meeting? 

Adobe Connect room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/lax51-olympic/

Action Items: EN

Recordings in all languages are available at: http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-atlarge-new-gtld 

Transcript:  EN

AC Chat Transcript:  EN   



Lead: HU

Notes: SV



Moderator: Evan Leibovitch


  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. Potential commentary from ALAC regarding the next gTLD application round
  3. Public Interest Commitments (PICs) and Policy Advisory Boards (PABs)
  4. Any other Business
  5. Summary of Action Items Going Forward