At-Large Technology Taskforce WG 2013-03-18 Action items
TTF WG call
Action Items
18 March 2013 at 1500 UTC
AI (ongoing): TTF must evaluate and review tools used by At-Large and inform ICANN of the situation regarding accessibility
AI: (ongoing): DAT to write a one pager on the Adobe Connect room with frequent issues and solutions, to post in AC room for first time users. Will post to TTF mailing list for feedback, then to RALOs
AI: (ongoing) Staff to place a link to At-Large WG Portal in the gateway box on the WIKI.
AI: (ongoing) Lance to create a template for structuring information in the Technology Workspace .
AI: (ongoing) Write to Outreach and Capacity building WG to make use of At Large social media strategy ; developing glossary of terms to be put on wiki for ease of reference
AI: Staff to find out if TTF has it's own email address, so people can email the TTF and it be posted to the TTF mailing list.
AI: Staff to ensure all TTF members have editing rights to TTF workspace