At-Large Technology Taskforce 2013-05-20

At-Large Technology Taskforce 2013-05-20

At-Large Technology Taskforce May 2013

Date: Monday 20 May 2013

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.gTLD/MT.0513/1

How do I participate in this meeting?

Action Items: EN

Summary Minutes:   EN   


Transcript:     EN      

AC Chat Transcript: EN  

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/atlargetechtaskforce/

Dev Anand TeelucksinghPRESENT
Gordon ChillcottPRESENT
Emani Fakaotimanava-LuiPRESENT
Olivier Crepin-LeblondPRESENT
Yaovi AtohounPRESENT
Sivasubramanian MuthusamyPRESENT

Participants:  Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Gordon Chillcott,  Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui, Olivier Crépin Leblond, Yaovi Atohoun,  Siva Muthusamy,

Apologies: Bill Thanis, Lance Hinds

Staff: Nathalie Peregrine


Call management: Nathalie Peregrine


  1. Review of Agenda (3 mins)
  2. Roll Call (2 mins)
  3. Review of AIs from  Technology Taskforce WG Action Items 2013-03-18  (5 mins)
  4. Review of At-Large/TTF session at ICANN Beijing meeting (related At-Large Technology Taskforce Wiki Training Questions Workspace) (10 mins)
  5. Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content (20 mins)
  6. Using LUCID meeting tools for work on Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content in June 2013 (10 mins)
  7. AOB  (5 mins)