FBSC Summary Minutes 20-12-2011

FBSC Summary Minutes 20-12-2011


Tijani Ben Jemaa, Cintra Sooknanan, Olivier Crepin Leblond, Ganesh Kumar, Dev Anand Teelucksingh


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco,  Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber

Membership of FBSC 

TBJ: We need to have members confirmed and recruit new members. We have a lot of work to do in a short time. 
OCL: The first thing I'll ask is that we go on a recruitment drive. May I ask that you go to your region and lead the charge to recruit new members? Please do so as soon as possible. We need new members within the next two weeks. 
TBJ: The first thing we need to do is update the membership list. 
OCL: Each RALO should have at least one ALAC member and one regional member. 
OCL: For APRALO, I'll send a note to Sala and Rinalia. 
For LACRALO: Cintra is here. Dev is here. We also need someone from the ALAC from LACRALO (Sergio, Jose and Natalia). 
DAT: I can contact all three of those persons and ask them who would like to be on the committee. 
TBJ: I will ask Fatimata and Dave. 
OCL: Will look for someone in EURALO to be a member of the committee. I will look at who was most active in preparing the budget work in EURALO last year. 
OCL: For NARALO, Gareth is no longer an ALAC member. However, he could still be a member of the committee
AI: OCL will send an email to the list to invite whomever is on the list as a member or reaffirm that those who are receiving the message/or on the membership list on the wiki whether they wish to still be members. 
In summary: each region is to get in touch with their RALO members to ask who would like to be on the FB SC. 
AI: Members of the FBSC WG are to ensure that there is at least one ALAC members from their region on the FBSC WG. If not, they are to contact the ALAC members from their RALOs and ask that they join the FBSC WG.

FY12 Budget Requests - Extraordinary request from LACRALO 

DAT provided a summary of the extra-ordinary LACRALO request for a GA/Capacity Building program. 
OCL: Has asked Xavier for a rapid response. They hope to be able to respond by the end of this week. 
FY13 Budget Request - Update on process 
OCL: There is a new process for budget requests. The deadline is January 20th. Each AC/SO will be asked to completed the Community Budget Request template. The overall budget for all AC/SOs is $500,000. One aspect that is new this year is that Finance staff are asking the AC/SOs to prioritize their requests. To provide the top three requests. I will leave it up to the group, but I would think that sending the requests without prioritizing them might be frowned upon by ICANN Finance. 
TBJ: I am concerned we are a bit late in the process. We need to ask the RALOs. We need to prioritize. We have to give the oppty to the regions to express their wishes. 
OCL: I don't know how ICANN Finance plans on dividing the $500,000 among the AC/SOs.  Perhpas we can have a call early next year with Akram Atallah, Xavier Calvez, and Juan Ojeda. 
GK: I would like to see this planning used effectively, i.e. can we plan fro teh long term rather than continuously replan.  Additionally, there needs to be a level of transparency for outreach. Specifically, how much is being spent and what is the proportion being given out.
OCL: This committee has the requirement to make sure that  the At-Large requests fit in with the outlined scheduled. Ganesh's comments re demotivation of RALOs if they do not get funding, that they will fit into the Strategic Plan. 

Next Steps 

AI: Staff to confirm with Xavier Calvez, and Juan Ojeda to see if a call in early January (week of 9-Jan-2012) is possible. 
AI: Send a note to the regions that the ALAC SC on FB would be taking a more proactive role at the FY13 budget requests to ensure that they fit into the Strategic Plan. Deadline is 10 January. 
AI: Staff to ask the regions to prepare thier requests for the upcoming financial year, notifying them of the new process. Staff to remind the regions that, to save time, projects which were not funded last year can simply be resubmitted using the new format.


CS: The cost of interpretation was not factored into the LACRALO ALS Capacity Building estimate. 
TB: The translation and interpretation is not payed for out of this budget. As such, we do not need to include it as a seperate cost.