Action items - ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES)
Action items - ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES)
2025-02-20 ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES)
- jonathan.zuck to present final Phishing slide deck during the ICANN82 ACES session.
- An ACES charter is to be drafted by jonathan.zuck , Cheryl Langdon-Orr , and Eduardo DIaz for review during the ICANN82 ACES session.
- Heidi Ullrich to send the draft ACES agenda for the ICANN82 meeting to amrita.choudhury1 and jonathan.zuck for review.
- ACES Members to develop mobilization campaigns for the three focus area of: 1) Next Round/ASP; 2) Phishing, and 3) UA. All three are to run in parallel, but with different timelines and methods.
- ACES Members to develop case studies from mobilization campaigns to assess what worked well, what didn't, and what should be done.