2025-02-20 ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES)
2025-02-20 ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES)
Date: Thursday, 20 February 2025
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)
Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/95361475308?pwd=oNzwVuwlmDfgzJaN0bP06Tu7Nu7x6W.1 Password: ACES2025**
Interpretation available: Yes (ES & FR - Simultaneous)
EN, ES & FR: Alfredo Calderon, Amrita Choudhury, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Eduardo Diaz, Emilia Zalewska-Czajczynska, Harold Arcos, Jonathan Zuck, Kathleen Scoggin, Lilian Ivette, Natalie Tercoca, Sebastien Bachollet
Apologies: Marcelo Rodriguez, Jasmine Ko
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Michelle DeSmyter
Observer: none
ES Interpreters: Marina & Lilian
FR Interpreters: Isabelle & Dominique
Call management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action items: EN
Recording: EN, ES, FR
Transcript: EN, ES, FR
Zoom chat: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
AGENDA. *******DRAFT********
Welcome and Introduction to ACES - Amrita Choudhury, ACES Chair (5 mins)
Discussion of the three key focus areas - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (10 mins)
Seek Inputs from the Group and Prepare a Timeline for Tasks - Amrita/All (30 mins)
Agree on ACES agenda for ICANN82 session - Amrita/All (10 mins)
AoB - Amrita (5 mins)