Zoom Chat: 2020-07-20 ALS Mobilization Working Party Call
00:49:17 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): Echo looks like indicator of empty summer classrooms in universities, as well as in our rooms-)
00:49:18 Justine Chew: Gisella, are you in space? :)
00:49:26 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): -)))
00:49:27 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Apologies for missing the past several meetings - been busy with other things (mind you - still multitasking ;-) )
00:50:44 Justine Chew: I will likely drop off before the hour is up. Especially since we have strong attendance from APRALO.
00:51:52 David Mackey: Can someone from staff please give me access to the link that’s found on the wiki? thanks. :-)
00:51:59 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Email request sent to access the document (devtee@gmail.com)
00:54:11 David Mackey: Not from the wiki today
00:54:13 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: get access denined
00:54:26 Gisella Gruber: I will double check - all members should have access
00:54:29 Gisella Gruber: I will see to this now
00:54:33 Sarah Kiden: I think Claudia sent an email
00:54:46 Judith Hellerstein: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h4iQYa35DYzfW8-ngrM3pA8pLjCTa7F5QLoUETAeU4M/edit?usp=sharing
00:54:58 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: His echo is worse than G's
00:55:11 David Mackey: Thanks Judith, but I still have “access denied”
00:55:41 Justine Chew: Should 90 day limit be 90 day deadline?
00:55:43 Judith Hellerstein: The echo seems to be on adigo
00:56:04 Sarah Kiden: There’s a lot of echo today
00:56:36 Justine Chew: Confusing
00:56:45 Justine Chew: Lol
00:56:58 Justine Chew: Carry on while I think
00:57:10 Gisella Gruber: @Dev @David - access granted - apologies!
00:57:11 Roberto: @Nadira - good question - it is the only instance where it is capitalized
00:57:47 Roberto: I mean “Applicant” on page 6
00:58:15 David Mackey: @Gisella, I’m still having trouble accessing it, but maybe there’s a delay
00:58:57 Gisella Gruber: @David - hopefully you can access now
01:00:15 David Mackey: @Gisella - not yet. I’m using Judith’s link and the wiki. I think I’ll just focus on the Zoom screen for now. Thanks
01:00:38 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: @Gisella - still not working for devtee@gmail.com
01:01:09 Amrita: there is an echo
01:01:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is just a "such as...
01:01:34 Nadira AL Araj: with Gisella and Judith line
01:02:33 Judith Hellerstein: not sure why I have an echo
01:02:51 Gisella Gruber: I am muted on zoom and Adigo bridge
01:03:01 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Typo in 4
01:04:21 Judith Hellerstein: We call it non-active
01:06:34 Judith Hellerstein: It seems that most speakers have an echo today
01:06:53 Nadira AL Araj: Echo in Cheryl line as well.
01:07:00 Gisella Gruber: Echo from Alan’s line
01:07:10 Gisella Gruber: I had to MUTE Alan’s line
01:07:39 Gisella Gruber: Alan - I am MUTING you when other people speak
01:08:22 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Perhaps 5 should say "permanent record"
01:08:59 Justine Chew: @Alan, how about - "When notifying the applicant of a request for additional information, the applicant should be notified that their application is suspended unless the requested information is received within 90 days."
01:08:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We can ask till the cows come home and there is no ability to ask an EX ALS to do anything!!!
01:09:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: especially if they are defunct anyway
01:09:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the Internet presence is not something we have control over
01:09:44 Gisella Gruber: Jacqueline has joined
01:09:48 Gisella Gruber: Siva has joined
01:09:54 David Mackey: no echo
01:09:57 Bastiaan Goslings: no echo
01:09:59 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): Agree @Cheryl
01:10:01 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: no echo from judith
01:10:12 Sarah Kiden: A lot of improvement
01:10:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: OUR paper trail is the only thing we can look into
01:10:18 Heidi Ullrich: @Alan, can we have Adigo dial out to you?
01:10:27 Heidi Ullrich: That should get rid of the echo.
01:10:51 Alan Greenberg: 514 487 9001
01:12:26 Herb Waye: Hi everyone, sorry for the late arrival. Hope all are well and safe.
01:12:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Excellent!
01:14:07 Evin Erdogdu: Yes here
01:14:10 Evin Erdogdu: Sound good
01:16:26 Alan Greenberg: https://atlarge.icann.org/en/als-application
01:17:01 Gisella Gruber: @Alan - which one would you like on the screen?
01:17:13 Heidi Ullrich: could the number be 1, 1a, 1b, etc?
01:17:31 Heidi Ullrich: Not sure why it is a, a1..as this is not the normal format
01:18:08 Judith Hellerstein: please let me in on my ipad
01:18:14 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No harm of having atg this stage
01:18:46 Gisella Gruber: @Judith - done
01:18:56 Jacqueline Morris: @Heidi - true.
01:19:09 Judith Hellerstein: thanks
01:20:03 Gisella Gruber: My pleasure Judith
01:20:22 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Does the * indicate required entry ?
01:20:52 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I believe so Dev
01:21:42 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well it should indicate at top of form
01:22:02 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Ditch that section
01:22:06 David Mackey: @Staff, I have access to wiki doc now. Thank you. :-)
01:22:16 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Ditch the org wiki question
01:22:26 Heidi Ullrich: +1 Alan
01:22:31 Jacqueline Morris: +1
01:22:43 Bastiaan Goslings: yep, delete b.
01:22:53 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly @Alan ditch the separate parts mae a catch all
01:23:36 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: For g, the country listing needs to be updated
01:23:38 Gisella Gruber: 2 hands up @Alan
01:26:12 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: there is an other contact section
01:26:23 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: that could be used for social media handlexzs
01:28:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: mailing may as well be optional though
01:28:46 Amrita: It should be there
01:28:56 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: For g, the country listing needs to be updated
01:30:08 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): I think the city is important too, for large countries (as for Russia for example) the city matters
01:30:10 Roberto: @Dev - what do you mean? country list updated
01:30:42 Jacqueline Morris: Country is required
01:30:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: National orgs may not have a City
01:30:59 Jacqueline Morris: +1 Cheryl
01:31:03 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): So, I think the city is mandatory (if it is the city of the main activity)
01:31:05 David Mackey: Dev
01:31:37 Roberto: Can we dynamically link to the updated country list?
01:31:45 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: eg territory names have changes for eg Swaziland was changed to Eswatini
01:32:26 Roberto: @Alan - understood, thanks
01:33:19 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: The other contacts could be expanded for social media handles
01:33:28 Heidi Ullrich: Could the use of capitalisation be standardised?
01:34:19 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Our contacts ones if available YES
01:34:31 Amrita: Some als may not have social media account
01:34:43 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): +1 Amrita
01:34:51 Jacqueline Morris: If they don't, not a problem
01:34:53 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: not compulsory
01:34:58 Amrita: Ok
01:35:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Other ...YES
01:35:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yup
01:35:29 David Mackey: There is a place for comments
01:35:41 David Mackey: at least for .b
01:36:10 Heidi Ullrich: Organizations will likely become increasingly global and virtual.
01:36:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Good catch @Dev
01:36:20 David Mackey: +1 @Dev
01:36:22 Justine Chew: Program it in using country
01:36:52 Roberto: Good point, @Dev
01:38:15 David Mackey: Can individual members form an ALS?
01:38:31 David Mackey: I’m not sure we want to answer that question here.
01:38:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and they often do
01:39:01 David Mackey: @ Cheryl - an ALS just for ICANN participation?
01:39:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yup
01:39:15 David Mackey: interesting, thanks
01:39:58 Roberto: @David - actually, in EURALO all individuals are members of an accredited ALS - but I believe this happens only in Europe
01:40:05 Judith Hellerstein: hi David, yes there are. several
01:40:19 David Mackey: thanks @Roberto & @Judith
01:42:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: but as a web form we need to ensure that things ate not hatd coded in choice or compulsory
01:42:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: unless we need them to be
01:43:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: many entities have international membership yes
01:44:40 Jacqueline Morris: If the organisation is officially registered in a country, that should also be sufficient.
01:45:54 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: but officers in such groups change form time to time
01:46:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: so they need to select a domicile for application purposes
01:47:11 Amrita: Bye everyone
01:47:12 Judith Hellerstein: oh ok. so if accessibility sig is registered in the US do we qualify as being in the US
01:47:13 Herb Waye: Take care my friends
01:47:15 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, All
01:47:17 David Mackey: Bye All
01:47:19 Bastiaan Goslings: thanks all!
01:47:19 Roberto: Bye
01:47:21 Ali AlMeshal: bye all
01:47:28 Jacqueline Morris: bye
01:47:32 Sarah Kiden: Bye
01:47:32 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: take care all - bye all