2020-07-06 ALS Mobilization Working Party Call
2020-07-06 ALS Mobilization Working Party Call
Date: Monday, 06 July 2020
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
How can I participate in this meeting? English: 1638
Zoom Room : https://icann.zoom.us/j/576742296?pwd=eG5WRm84UTZ3dU95Tmp5ZVpLbE5xdz09
Passcode: 0955
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Audio Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcription: EN
EN: Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Remmy Nweke, Peters Omoragbon, Roberto Gaetano, Eduardo Diaz, David Mackey, Yrjo Lansipuro, Jacqueline Morris, Barrack Otieno, Nadira AlAraj, Ali AlMeshal, Bastiaan Gosling, Natalia Filina, Judith Hellerstein, Justine Chew, Raymond Mamattah, Sarah Kiden, Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Abdeldjalil Bacha Bong, Alberto Soto,
Apologies: Daniel Nanghaka
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Alperen Eken, Herb Waye, Claudia Ruiz
Call Management: Claudia Ruiz
1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 minutes)
2. Acceptance of Agenda - Alan Greenberg (1 minutes)
3. Review of proposed ALS Accreditation Process (55 minutes)
Review of decisions/deliberations of previous calls, and continue review.