ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement Activities in FY19-FY20

ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement Activities in FY19-FY20

FY19 Proposed Work Items

Name of Work ItemProject LeadTimelineStatusNotes

Selection of Co-Chairs

Daniel Nanghaka

Declaration of new Co-Chairs to be finalised at the August O&E meeting.


  • Monday, 30 July – Friday, 3 August – Call for Nominations and Submission of EOIs of candidates
  • Monday, 6 August – Tuesday, 7 August – EOIs sent to RALO Chairs for Review
  • Wednesday, 8 August – Wednesday, 15 August – RALO Chair/RALO Selection
  • Thursday, 16 August – Friday, 17 August – RALO Chairs send selected name to SC on O/E Chair and At-Large Staff
  • Monday, 20 August – Declaration of New SC on O/E Co-Chairs during August Meeting



RALONomineeNominated ByDate AcceptedEOIResult
AFRALOBram FudzulaniCaleb Olumuyiwa Fatimata Seye Sylla was elected.
AFRALOFatimata Seye SyllaDave Kissoondoyal Fatimata Seye Sylla was elected.
APRALOAli AlMeshalSelf-nominatedAli AlMeshal was announced as the co-Chair.
APRALOShreedeep RayamajhiSelf-nominated 
Ali AlMeshal was announced as the co-Chair.
EURALOMatthias M. HudobnikSelf-nominated Olivier Crepin-Leblond informed Daniel and staff that Matthias Hudobnik was elected as the Co-Chair from EURALO.
EURALOClément GentySelf-nominated Olivier Crepin-Leblond informed Daniel and staff that

Matthias Hudobnik was elected as the Co-Chair from EURALO.

LACRALOMaritza AgüeroSelf-nominated Humberto Carrasco approved Maritza's nomination on 13 August 2018.
NARALOGlenn McKnightSelf-nominated 
Eduardo Diaz approved Glenn's nomination on 31 July 2018.

Criteria and expectations of O&E Co-Chairs

  • must be members of the O&E WG

  • must be selected by their RALOs

  • Must be prepared to attend monthly meetings of the O&E sub-committee

  • Must be aware of O&E activities in the region to be reported to and recorded by staff on the O&E table on the wiki workspace

  • must be prepared to work as part of the O&E strategic planning team (and to communicate via an O&E Co-Chair skype group)

  • must be prepared to discuss strategic and implementation options regularly with their RALOs and to report recommendations and ideas back to the O&E group

  • Must be prepared to lead the RALO implementation of strategic objectives within their region

  • Must be prepared to co-lead the O&E outreach program in conjunction with partner organizations at ICANN meeting within their region

Follow up on FY19 Outreach Strategic Plans for each RALO

Co-Chairs and RALO Chairs

SC on Outreach and Engagement StrategyDaniel Nanghaka
Workspace: Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement - Strategy Plan
CROP - Criteria and Potential Events for SC on O/E and GSE CollaborationDaniel Nanghaka
Workspace for questions: Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) FAQs
SC on Outreach and Engagement Meeting at ICANN 63
20-25 October 2018 in Barcelona
Meeting to be 90 minutes
Joint EURALO/NCSG Outreach at ICANN 63
20-25 October 2018 in Barcelona

At-Large Activities at IGF 2018
12-14 November 2018 in Paris
Workspace: At-Large Outreach Activities at IGF 2018 Paris