ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement Activities in FY20-FY21

ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement Activities in FY20-FY21

ActivityProject LeadAreas of WorkTimelineKey ResourcesStatus
Post ATLAS III ActivitiesDaniel Nanghaka
  1. At-Large Participation Toolkit

    Develop a set of materials for each stage of involvement:

    1) Onboarding;

    2) Initial engagement (WG membership; assigned a coach/mentor;

    3) Policy Advice development involvement;

    4) At-Large leadership

At-Large Participation Toolkit

Post-ATLAS III Activities

Also see:  At-Large Outreach and Engagement Activity Dashboard

In progress
Post ATLAS III ActivitiesDaniel Nanghaka

2. General Assemblies (planning in collaboration with  the Regional Leadership of RALOs  who have General Assemblies in 2020-2021: EURALO and LACRALO)

  • How can ATLAS III activities and learning be carried on to GAs as a process of continued learning and skill building resulting in increased engagement? 
  • What kind of information is important to impart to members about At-Large to encourage greater engagement by individual members (unaffiliated and ALS)
  • Has an assessment been carried out about those who were invited to the last RALO GA and how many are actually engaged a year later?

Post-ATLAS III Activities
Post ATLAS III ActivitiesDaniel Nanghaka

3. RALO Outreach and Engagement Strategies

  • RALO O&E co-Chairs to be appointed by the RALOs 
  • Ensure that RALO strategies are prepared and presented to GSE VCs
  • To include implementation plans and allocation of CROP and Discretionary Funding
  • Role of At-Large Ambassadors to be developed in consultation with the RALO co-Chairs (who will discuss with RALO leadership)
  • Co-Chairs to share policy resources produced in-house by their RALOs in collaboration with their CPWG representatives
  • Incorporate the recommendations that come out of the ATLAS Survey relating to Outreach 
  • Each RALO is to work with their Regional leadership, their SC on O/E co-chair, their At-Large staff manager and GSE VP/liaison on the development of their region's FY21 Regional Strategic Outreach Plan. 

  • Regional calls will be set up with the above people. 

Regional Outreach and Engagement Strategies are due to be reviewed by GSE RVPs by 29 May 2020

Post-ATLAS III Activities

At-Large Regional FY21 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plans

In Progress
Post ATLAS III ActivitiesDaniel Nanghaka

4. Repository of skills and interests  

  • Survey of those members who are the key participants within ALSes for skills and interests as they relate to key policy areas and outreach activities 
  • Analysis of surveys to identify possible capacity building needs and identify potential leaders in various interests (policy/engagement/outreach/etc.)
  • Identify how these skills and interests relate to the policy, engagement and outreach activities of At-Large and ICANN

Post-ATLAS III Activities

Outreach Activities during COVID-19 

SC on O/E Co-Chairs and Regional Leaders

Given the COVID-19 sitatation, some events are being held on a virtual basis. SC on O/E Co-chairs are requested to identify virtual events in their region and work with their Regional Leadership to organize participation in these events. 

Co-Chairs are requested to provide feedback on the SC on O/E monthly calls. 

Table of Virtual Events 
Development of FY21 ALAC / At-Large Outreach and Engagement StrategySC on O/E Co-Chairs and Regional Leaders
  • Co-Chairs to prepare a draft O/E strategy that outlines the key priorities and achievements for FY21. 
  • Draft to be presented to SC on O/E during April meeting. 

ICANN FY21 At-Large Virtual Outreach and Engagement Strategy Workspace

Open for comments through 30 April. 

2020 IGF