CROP-FY18 Home
Community leaders have outlined several key benefits that could be achieved through a programmed approach to global outreach:
- Building local/regional awareness and recruitment of new community members;
- More effectively engaging with current members and/or "reactivating” previously engaged ICANN community members; and
- Communicating ICANN’s mission and objectives to new audiences.
FY18: End of Pilot Phase
The Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) has been in place since FY14 - for three and one half fiscal years as a pilot program. In its various pilot phases, the CROPP showed steady growth in community interest and usage for eligible communities. Required community activity reports depicted innovative uses of the program by eligible pilot communities that employed annual outreach and engagement strategies. Following another successful implementation of the CROPP in FY17, the “pilot” program label has been removed and the activity has been moved to the core budget as activities to be coordinated by Policy Development Support staff in collaboration with the GSE team.
For FY18, the ICANN Org will continue to administer a comprehensive Regional Outreach Program that will permit eligible communities that have developed a strategic outreach and engagement plan (and posted that plan on the ICANN Community Wiki) to choose to continue to employ the newly labeled “CROP” program.
After testing a pilot outreach event capability in FY17, the CROP program will revert to focusing on regional travel for all eligible communities, rather than outreach events. All communities will be able to target five individual regional trips for FY18 to maximize their outreach and engagement opportunities.
To confirm their FY18 eligibility, potentially-eligible communities in the ALAC and GNSO non-contracted communities must produce a clear and comprehensive outreach plan explaining their FY18 outreach goals and planned expectations so that the selected activities can be coordinated with the appropriate ICANN Regional engagement teams. The recommended submission target date for those community plans is 30 September 2017.
ICANN Org will develop/modify program parameters and calendars as appropriate to effectively manage the provision of these resources.
A brief orientation to CROP:
- There are two CROP forms required for each Trip. Each one starts as a DRAFT and, after applicable reviews, is APPROVED for further processing:
- A DRAFT Trip Proposal (blank templates are available as explained in the next column)
- A DRAFT Trip Assessment (complete ≤ weeks after returning)
- When planning a CROP funded trip, there are two time-frames to consider:
- Six (6) weeks for ICANN Constituency Travel (minimum requirement) from the date all approvals/confirmations have been obtained.
- How much time you anticipate needing to obtain internal organization approvals, regional Stakeholder Engagement concurrence, and Staff review for completeness.
- Your designated Program Coordinator (PC) can help with the process. Who is your PC? See: FY18 CROP Contacts
- To learn about the policies, rules, roles, and related information, go to: CROP Procedures & Guidelines
- You may enter a DRAFT Proposals at any time, but your organization must have an approved Outreach Strategic Plan BEFORE your individual form can be processed.
- IMPORTANT: You must be logged in with a valid Username and Password in order to complete forms within CROP.
- All essential information about CROP is located under: Program Tools & Resources
- There is a FY18 Community Workspaces area where DRAFT Trip Proposals can be entered and, subsequently, reviewed/approved.
- If you are in At-Large, you'll find blank templates under: At-Large RALO DRAFTS
- If you are in GNSO, you'll find blank templates under: GNSO Constituency DRAFTS
- Once DRAFT Trip Proposals are fully approved, they are relocated to a different area, FY18 Approved Forms (Staff Use Only), depending on the organization:
- At-Large: At-Large RALOs
- GNSO: GNSO Constituencies
To enter a DRAFT Trip Proposal or a DRAFT Trip Assessment:
1 | Depending on your organization, go to either: At-Large RALO DRAFTS and GNSO Constituency DRAFTS. |
2 | There is a blank Outreach Strategic Plan template for your organization (uppermost table). An initial set of blank templates (and corresponding DRAFT Trip Assessments) appears in a separate table. |
3 | To complete the form, click (top of the screen). |
4 | Answer each of the questions that appears within the form/template. Use the scroll bar (right) to reveal all contents. |
5 | the page (bottom right of the screen). |
For more detailed information, please see FY18 Program Participant Template Instructions.
For those who do not speak English, all of the pages within this Wiki may be translated using the "Translate" option located at the end of the status line just below the page title. (Disclaimer: These translations are computer-generated and, as such, may not be technically correct in all instances).
IMPORTANT: CROP forms must be completed in English.
To provide comments, suggestions, or ideas concerning CROP-FY18, please see our Feedback page.
CROP Archive
FY17 | CROPP-FY17 |
FY16 | CROPP-FY16 |
FY15 | CROPP-FY15 |
FY14 | CROPP-FY14 |
CROP has become a core ICANN program in FY18. Before then, it was a pilot program referred to as the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program, with the acronym 'CROPP'.