At-Large Outreach Activities at the 2021 IGF in Katowice

At-Large Outreach Activities at the 2021 IGF in Katowice

IGF Announcements: 

The 16th annual IGF meeting will be hosted by the Government of Poland in Katowice from 6-10 December 2021, under the overarching theme: Internet United. 

The IGF 2021 Hybrid Process will also feature a preparatory component or phase which will include build-up sessions on the IGF 2021’s issue areas, development of the intersessional work as well as a series of capacity development activities. The overall plan for the preparatory phase will be announced soon.

Video on IGF 2021 Town Hall : Hybrid Format in Practice

IGF 2021 Call for Session Proposals is open through 26 May. All stakeholders are invited to consider the types of sessions they can apply for.

Applications for the IGF 2021 Village Booths are open by 1 July.

Stakeholders can register their IGF 2021 Remote Hubs by 20 September.

2021 IGF Website

At-Large Activities at the 2021 IGF

At-Large 2021 IGF in Katowice - Photos

At-Large 2021 IGF in Katowice - Reports

ICANN/At-Large Organized Events

Date and Time


ICANN/At-Large Community Member 


6 December 2021

11:00 - 12:00 UTC

ORGANIZER: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland & University of Łódź / Lodz Cyber Hub


"The future of global Internet governance – same goal, different perceptions?"


Wolfgang Kleinwaechter

Alain Durand

Mandy Carver tbc 

Onsite Moderator:

Conference Room 3

6 December 2021

13:00 - 14:00 UTC



Youth IGF: Tutorial on the DNS Root




        Fred Baker

        Ken Renard

        Lars-Johan Liman

Onsite Moderator:

Adam Peake

Online Moderator:

David Huberman

Conference Room 8

7 December 2021

08:30- 09:30 UTC

ORGANIZER: Department of Digital, Culture, media and Sport (DCMS) UK Government

Open Forum:

Future of the Internet


Ballroom B

7 December 2021

12.45-13:45 UTC

ORGANIZER: Polish Host

 High-Level Exchange Panel 7:

Governance models to promote inclusive and diverse business development – what stands in the way?


Invited Speakers:

  • Göran Marby
  • Ms. Anriette Esterhuysen, MAG Chair
  • Mr. Mark Williams, Practice Manager, Digital Development Global Practice, (World Bank)
  • Ms. Huria Ali, State Minister at Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ethiopia (IGF 2022 Host Country)
  • Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • Ms. Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, South Africa

Moderator: Ms. Samira Mahdaoui, Journalist and Producer, Television Nationale Tunisienne

7 December 2021

13:00-14:30 UTC

ORGANIZER: UN DESA, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Polish Host

 Parliamentary session: Parliamentary session 1: Privacy rights and legitimate uses of personal data

Invited Speaker: Becky Burr

8 December 

14:05-15:35 UTC

IGF 2021 WS #13 Digital transformation challenges in developing countries

Thematic Track

IGF 2021 MAIN FOCUS: Universal access and meaningful connectivity

Organizer 1: Olga Cavalli, South School on Internet Governance
Organizer 3: Oscar Messano, CCAT LAT
Organizer 4: Mónica María Trochez Arboleda, Nucleo TIC S.A.S.
Organizer 5: Patricia Vargas, Fletcher School-Tufts University / ISP Yale Law School

Speaker 1: Vint Cerf, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Miguel Porrua, Intergovernmental Organization, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 3: Ndeye Maimouna DIOP, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 4: Gitanjali Sah, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization

Olga Cavalli, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Online Moderator

Patricia Vargas, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)


Mónica María Trochez Arboleda, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)


Debate - Auditorium - 90 Min

09 December 2021

08:30 UTC - 10:00 UTC

Main Session on Economic and Social Inclusion and Human

Main Session on Economic and Social Inclusion and Human
Speaker: Sarah KidenPlenary Room 

9 December

10:15 UTC - 11:45 UTC


 Workshop: The State of the DNS Privacy Technologies


       Roxana Radu

       Carlos Martinez Cagnazzo

       Andrew Campling


Main Moderator[1]:

Paul Hoffman

Online Moderator:

David Huberman

Onsite Moderator:

Adam Peake

Conference Room 6

9 December 

14:45-16:15 UTC

Organizer: Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles

Dynamic Coalition: The Charter at 10: Achievements, challenges and what’s next?


Ballroom C

9 December 

16:05 - 17:05 UTC


Open Forum: The building blocks to meaningful connectivity



       Göran Marby

       Maarten Botterman


Ballroom B

9 December

8:30-10:30 UTC

WS #246 Construction of an institutional digital infrastructure


Additional Speakers

Conference Room 3

10 December 

8:30-9:30 UTC


Town Hall: Universal Acceptance for Wider Access through Collaboration

Speakers thus far:

       Mark Svancarek

       Sylvia Herlein

       Cengiz Acarturk

       Anil Kumar Jain

       Yangyi Wu

       Ajay Data


Main Moderator: 

Maria Kolesnikova

Online Moderator: 

Dennis Tan Tanaka

Conference Room 7

10 December

8:30-10:00 UTC

IWS #50 Critical Times: Impact of Digitalization on Climate Change

Edmon Chung, DotAsia Organisation; 

Christine Or, DotAsia Organisation

Conference Room 3

10 December

12:50-13:50 UTC

WS #181 All We Need Is YOUth: Connecting Young People and ICTYuliya Morenets, TaC-Together against Cybercrime InternationalConference Room 6
13:00-14:00 UTCWS #214 Achieving Sustainable Local Tourism and Nature Conservation

Pak Yin, Edward Choi, NetMission Asia; 

Jenna Man Hau Fung, DotAsia/ NetMission.Asia; 

Edmon Chung, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group

Conference Room 7

10 December

16:30-17:30 UTC

ORGANIZER: IGF Secretariat

throughout the event

Organizer: Lodz Cyber Hub

virtual IGF hub

Lodz / Online

Outreach and Engagement Activities


- to publish a list of on-site At-Large participants of IGF 2021 (people will meet, may share some accommodation payments, to build a walking plans together etc.) - closed wiki page maybe?
- to publish the scheduled sessions in social media which will be  leaded by At-Large members as speakers, leads.
- to announce the ICANN IGF activities and invite At-Large members to participate and support them.
- to appoint At-Large reporters and ask them to prepare a short summary for each day of IGF (subjective view and agenda) - it will be interesting! - may be text or video format.
- after the IGF, I propose to call At-Large community members for a meeting to discuss IGF outcomes (with ICANN perspectives and hot topics).  It may be 90 min light talk, RALO leaders, onsite participants and all At-Large community.  

At-Large Members Attending the 2021 IGF

MemberRALODates at the IGFActivities Planned
Judith HellersteinNARALODecember 6-10
Joanna KuleszaEURALODecember 6-10
Lilian Ivette De LuqueLACRALODecember 6-10
Denise HochbaumNARALODecember 6-10
Lianna GalstyanAPRALODecember 6-10