RALO Outreach Strategic Plans for FY18
CROP FY18 wiki is live!
The CROP-FY18 Home is live! Please use At-Large RALO Outreach Plans on CROP FY18 wiki to continue to document and coordinate approvals of draft RALO Outreach plans for FY18. This page should no longer be edited. The page history will have the previous texts before they were transferred to the CROP wiki and previous drafts will
With the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) for FY17 ending on June 30 2017 (and confirmation that the the Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) will continue in FY18), one of the key deliverables for CROP FY18 before any CROPP proposals can be considered for FY18 is the submission of a updated Outreach Strategic Plan for each RALO. Each RALO's Outreach Strategic Plan should explain its FY18 outreach goals and planned expectations so that any selected CROPP activities can be coordinated with the appropriate ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement teams.
These proposals must also be approved by the regional GSEs.
This is an opportunity to review the CROPP FY17 At-Large RALOs Outreach Plans and CROPP FY16 At-Large RALOs Outreach Plans, review their outcomes and refine or develop new goals for FY18
RALOs that are considering CROP proposals to begin in July or August 2017 should consider their outreach plans now and seek approvals from GSE before the end of CROPP FY17. It is anticipated that the same conditions would apply for CROP FY18, namely that ICANN requires 6 weeks minimum for receiving APPROVED CROP proposals before the event takes place. This means for At-Large and GSE to have time to review and approve CROP proposals, we should strive to have proposals submitted for review at least 7 weeks before such proposed travel takes place.
AFRALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See AFRALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the FY18 CROP wiki
APRALO FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See APRALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the CROP FY18 wiki
EURALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan
LACRALO FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
Outreach Plan Description and Details
See LACRALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the CROP FY18 wiki
NARALO FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See NARALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the CROP FY18 wiki