Outreach Calendars
The ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement have created group calendars at Teamup.com to track regional outreach events for possible use by At-Large for the Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) to attend such events.
You can view the calendars for all the regions at http://bitly.com/At-Large-Outreach . You can also view events for all regions as a list (as done on this wiki page) and subscribe to any calendar using your calendaring app.
List of Outreach Calendars, by region
Africa: http://bitly.com/Africa-Outreach-Calendar | View Africa events as a list
Asia Pacific: http://bitly.com/AP-Outreach-Calendar | View Asia-Pacific events as a list
Europe: http://bitly.com/Europe-Outreach-Calendar | View European events as a list
Latin America & Caribbean: http://bitly.com/LAC-Outreach-Calendar | View LAC events as a list
North America : http://bitly.com/NA-Outreach-Calendar | View North America events as a list
All regions : http://bitly.com/At-Large-Outreach | View events in All Regions as a List
Adding/editing Outreach Events on the calendar
If you want to edit/add potential outreach events to the Outreach Calendars, then please see the Editing Outreach Calendars page for Outreach and Engagement and RALO Chairs/ Vice Chairs or the links below.
Only logged in At-Large Confluence users can view this page, as a security precaution. The credentials (links) to edit the calendars should NOT be shared publicly to prevent anonymous additions promoting spam and/or malware.
Africa: http://bitly.com/editAFRALOcalendar
Asia Pacific: https://bitly.com/editAPRALOcalendar
Europe: http://bitly.com/editEURALOcalendar
Latin America & Caribbean: http://bitly.com/editLACRALOcalendar
North America : http://bitly.com/editNARALOcalendar