At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability 2015-05-21
At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability 2015-05-21
At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability
Date: Thursday, 21 May 2015
Time: 21:00 UTC - 23:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638
¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia? Spanish Conference ID = 1738
Adobe Connect room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/iana-issues/
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN , ES
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN and ES
EN: Gordon Chillcott, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Eduardo Diaz, Tijani Ben Jeamaa, Sébastien Bachollet, Avri Doria, Alan Greenberg, Tom Lowenhaupt, Christopher Wilkinson, Loris Taylor, Seun Ojedeji, Beran Gillen, Glenn McKnight, Philippe Boland, George Z,
ES: Alberto Soto
Apologies: Leon Sanchez, Fatima Cambronero, Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Terri Agnew
Interpreter: Sabrina
Call Management: Terri Agnew
A G E N D A:
1. Introduction Roll Call, adoption of Agenda (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 4 minutes)
2. Review of Action Items from the meeting of 13 May 2015 (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 1 minute)
3. Review of IANA Coordination Group Progress (Mohamed El Bashir, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, 10 minutes)
(This is included in case there are any pressing updates to be shared with the WG)
- IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group Issues Proposal Assembly and Finalization Process and Updated Transition Process Timeline
- Letter to the ICG from NTIA on the IANA Stewardship Transition
CWG IANA Stewardship Transition
4. CWG IANA (Olivier Crépin-Leblond, All - 50 minutes)
- Master schedule of all Meetings (including Design Teams)
a. Final Document Draft / Closing of Public Consultation
- Public Comment (In ALAC Policy Development)
- Looking specifically at input template
- Review of ALAC Comment
- All Comments received in Consultation
b. Ongoing work in CWG
- DT-A Service Levels Expectations
- DT-M Escalation
- Separation (DT-X)
c. Jurisdiction
- Proposal to ask the CWG to instruct the Legal Team:
Not to start a whole new study, but to check out the recommendations made in 2009 in the "Improving Institutional Confidence" document produced by the ICANN President's Strategy Committee. In this report, a number of jurisdictions had been studied in detail, and the conclusion was that Geneva (Switzerland) offered the best solution relative to a number of criteria (fiscal, employment, etc).
References for Sidley:
And specifically: https://archive.icann.org/en/jpa/iic/
d. Issues to Resolve
- Public Benefit Corp vs Limited Liability Company - Overview, Detailed Comparison
- Board Duties and Entity costs - Memorandum
- Board Composition and Stress Tests.
For reference from last call:
- Potential Issues
- Jurisdiction
- Separability Process
- Multistakeholder aspect
- Latest Punch List from CWG of Items that remain to be discussed << NOTE NEW 12 May 2015
Reminder of At-Large initial positions:
At-Large Positions
- http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/tue-atlarge-iana-stewardship
- At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function 2014-10-14 Los Angeles
- Notes from IANA Issues WG brainstorming in Los Angeles DOCX / PDF
- Notes from the Flip Chart
Post transition Safeguards
Performance metrics accomplished regularly
Response strategies
Risk management matrix
How do we recognize satisfaction
Confidence in root zone
Continuity of allocation of IP addresses and fairness
No change to current IP policies
Keep processes that work - do not change them
Creation of another oversight body
Design Teams (Reference only)
- Design Teams List
- DT-A Service Levels Expectations
- DT-B ccTLD Delegation Appeals
- DT-D Authorization
- DT-F Relationship between the NTIA, IANA and the Root Zone Maintainer
- DT-L Transition Plan
- DT-M Escalation
- DT-N Periodic Review
- DT-O Budget
- (others will be added here)
CCWG Accountability
5. CCWG Accountability (Alan Greenberg - 50 minutes)
Public Comment - Closes 03 June 2015 - 13 days from now!
- Unincorporated Associations - Memorandum
- What level of "power" do we need?
- Draft Proposal
6. AoB (Olivier Crépin-Leblond, 5 minutes)
For reference (documents):
- Current Drafts (includes Principles, RFP1, 2A, etc.)
- Resulting Flow Chart of the groups to be created
- FINAL RFP3 Documents going to Public Comment
Older work
- Current Drafts of documents being developed
- Principles & Criteria Document (Probably Complete)
- [Archive] Work Item Sub Groups
- CWG-RFP1-2A-2B (Seun Ojedeji, Fouad Bajwa, Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
- CWG-RFP2C - Existing, Pre-Transition Arrangements, NTIA IANA Functions Contract Triage (Eduardo Diaz)
- CWG-RFP3 - Proposed Post-Transition Oversight and Accountability Arrangements (Eduardo Diaz, Fouad Bajwa, Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
- Strawman matrix
- Meeting #1 CWG-RFP3 (6 November 2014)
- Meeting #2 CWG-RFP3 (12 November 2014)
- Meeting #3 CWG-RFP3 --Special Session on RFP3 (convened at 15:30 UTC on 13 November 2014)
- (work continued in Frankfurt F2F meeting)
Core At-Large RFP3 Work
- RFP3 Strawman Matrix (Initial PDF Document)
- RFP3 Strawman Matrix (Google DOC evolving document includes Strawman 4)
- Results of IANA Issues WG & ALAC Poll
More References: Meetings of the CWG to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions
- IANA CWG Meeting #1 (6 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #2 (13 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #3 (22 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #4 (30 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #5 (4 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #6 (13 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #7 (19 & 20 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #9 (27 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #10 (11 December)
- IANA CWG Meeting #11 (11 December)
- IANA CWG Meeting #12 (23 December) (CANCELLED)
- IANA CWG Meeting #13 (8 January)
- IANA CWG Intensive Work Weekend (10 - 11 January)
- IANA CWG Meeting #18 (15 January)
- IANA CWG Meeting #19 (22 January)
- IANA CWG Meeting #20 (January 29)
- IANA CWG Meeting#21 ICANN 52 Singapore 11 February
- IANA CWG Meeting #22 (19 February)
- IANA CWG Meeting #23 (24 February)
- IANA CWG Meeting #24 (26 February)
- IANA CWG Meeting #25 (3 March)
- IANA CWG Meeting #26 (5 March)
- IANA CWG Meeting #29 (17 March)
- IANA CWG Meeting #30 (19 March)
IANA CWG Face to Face Meeting (Meeting #31 & Meeting #32) (26-27 March)
IANA CWG Meeting # 35 (17 April)
More References: Meetings of the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #2 (16 December 2014)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #3 (23 December 2014)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #4 (30 December 2014)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #5 (6 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #6 (13 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Face to Face Meeting (19 - 20 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #9 (27 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #10 (3 February 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #11 (9 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #12 (12 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #13 (17 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #14 (24 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #15 (3 March)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #16 (10 March)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #17 (17 March)
- CCWG ACCT Face to Face Meeting (23 - 24 March 2015)