IANA CWG Meeting #2 (13 October)

IANA CWG Meeting #2 (13 October)

Date: 13 October 2014 (19:15 - 22:45 UTC) – face to face meeting during the ICANN 51 meeting



Members: Wanawit Ahkuputra; Jaap Akkerhuis; Fouad Bajwa; Graeme Bunton; Olivier Crépin-Leblond; Eduardo Diaz; Avri Doria; Lise Fuhr; Robert Guerra; Staffan Jonson; Elise Lindeberg; Vika Mpisane; Seun Ojedeji; Jonathan Robinson; Greg Shatan, Donna Austin

ParticipantsGuru Acharya; Maarten Botterman; Martin Boyle; Jordan Carter; Alissa Cooper; Keith Davidson; Lars-Erik Forsberg; Chuck Gomes; Byron Holland; Stacey King; Yasuichi Kitamura; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben; Pitinan Kooarmornpatana; Brenden Kuerbis; Pam Little; Allan MacGillivray; Kieren McCarthy; Desiree Miloshevic; Milton Mueller; Sivasubramanian Muthusamy; Stephanie Perrin; Philip Sheppard; Mary Uduma; Mathieu Weill; Suzanne Woolf. 

StaffGrace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Marika Konings. 

Apologies: James Gannon; Bilal Titi

**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**

Proposed Agenda – IANA Stewardship Transition CWG F2F WG meeting 

1. Roll Call 

2. Principles of Operation

3. Confirm candidates for CWG leadership as well as leadership structure 

4. Review revised timeline (see revised timeline attached)

5. Review ICG RFP (see ICG RFP attached)

  1. Description of Community’s Use of IANA Functions
  2. Existing, Pre-Transition Arrangements
    1. A. Policy Sources
    2. B. Oversight and Accountability
  3. Proposed Post-Transition Oversight and Accountability Arrangements
  4. Transition Implications
  5. NTIA Requirements
  6. VI. Community Process

6. Initial Discussion and Review of IANA Functions Contract (see overview attached)

7. Confirm next steps & next meeting

For review for meeting:

Notes and Action Items: 

Prepared by Marika Konings – download the Word doc version here

Principles of Operation

The following principles of operation (cultural norms) were proposed and agreed to by those in attendance:

  • Rotate meetings from a timing perspective to share the burden as members and participants are located in different time zones
  • No firm decisions are taken during any single meeting without the substance of those decisions having been articulated and open for review / consideration by those that may not have been present during the meeting
  • Members are expected to communicate the views of the communities that have selected them to the CWG, but also communicate back the information and deliberations from the CWG to their respective communities
  • Members and participants are expected to be familiar with and remain consistent with the pre-existing documents and documents developed during the course of the work of the WG. In particular, required reading / familiarization with:
    • Current IANA contract with NTIA
    • IANA Coordination Group Request for Proposals (ICG RFP)
    • Charter of the CWG

Confirm candidates for CWG leadership as well as leadership structure 

Jonathan Robinson will continue as co-chair of the CWG, while the other co-chair position held by the ccNSO is expected to be filled shortly (note, this position has now been filled by Lise Fuhr). Other chartering organizations are encouraged to indicate on the mailing list if / when they are of the view that additional leadership roles in the forms of vice-chairs need to be added at this stage or in the future.

Review revised timeline (see revised timeline attached)

The CWG reviewed the revised timeline, which foresees the delivery of a Final Report to the ICG by 31 January 2015. It was noted that although the timeline is extremely short, all efforts should be made to try and respect the deadline, consistent with the RFP and subsequent discussions with the ICG RFP. As such, it is the expectation that all members will brief their respective communities on the timeline so that milestones such as input to the Initial Report as well as consideration of Final Report can be factored into the planning of each respective chartering organization.

The CWG discussed how its work relates to the Accountability CWG that is in formation and it was pointed out that the charter notes that ‘The IANA stewardship transition process is taking place alongside a parallel and related process on enhancing ICANN accountability. While maintaining the accountability of Internet identifier governance is central to both processes, the scope of the work of this CWG means that it is focused on the arrangements required for the continuance of IANA functions in an accountable and widely accepted manner after the expiry of the NTIA-ICANN contract. Nevertheless, the two processes are interrelated and interdependent and should appropriately coordinate their work. Accountability for the administration of the IANA functions (i.e. implementation and operational accountability), however, is properly within the scope of this working group’.

In order to facilitate the Working Group deliberations, a F2F meeting will be scheduled towards the end of November (provisionally 19 & 20 November and further details will be circulated separately) for which ICANN will make resources available to support members of the CWG to attend this meeting as needed. Participants may also attend, but are expected to indicate well ahead of time so that their attendance can be factored in as a location / space is secured. For those not being able to attend in person, remote participation facilities will be available. 

Action item: CWG members and participants to review the revised timeline and provide any additional comments / input on the mailing list.

Review ICG RFP

  1. Description of Community’s Use of IANA Functions
  2. Existing, Pre-Transition Arrangements
    1. A. Policy Sources
    2. B. Oversight and Accountability
  3. Proposed Post-Transition Oversight and Accountability Arrangements
  4. Transition Implications
  5. NTIA Requirements
  6. VI. Community Process

The CWG reviewed the RFP and the information that needs to be provided to the ICG in its response. Allan MacGillivray volunteered to commence work on items 1 and 2 of the RFP and encouraged others to assist him in this effort. The CWG noted that the bulk of its work will be in relation to item 3 and discussed some possible approaches such as reviewing the IANA contract to determine which provisions need to be maintained, whether in this form or another, as well as developing and reviewing possible scenarios.

Action item:

  • CWG members and participants to review the ICG Request for Proposals
  • Volunteers to assist Allan in preparing draft language for items 1 and 2 to express their interest on the mailing list

Initial Discussion and Review of IANA Functions Contract

The CWG briefly reviewed the IANA Functions contract and discussed what the impact of NTIA’s intent to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community. As explained by one of the CWG participants, currently there is a contract between the US government and ICANN. The NTIA is planning to do away with that contract in terms of the US being the party controlling the obligations under the contract. As such, the CWG as part of its proposal will need to identify:

  • What entity controls the obligation;
  • What organization is carrying out the obligations;
  • What those obligations include; and
  • What accountability mechanisms need to be put in place to make sure the controlling party is doing what it is supposed to do.

Action item:

Next meeting

The CWG agreed to commence with weekly meetings of 2 hours following the F2F meeting in Los Angeles. The next meeting will be scheduled for Wednesday 22 October at 13.00 UTC for 2 hours and it is proposed that weekly meetings will be held on Thursdays thereafter.



The transcript for the session is available here

AR: transcript CWG IANA 13 October 2014-ar.docx

ES: transcript CWG IANA 13 October 2014-es.doc

FR: transcript CWG IANA 13 October 2014-fr.doc

PT: transcript CWG IANA 13 October 2014-pt.doc

RU: transcript CWG IANA 13 October 2014-ru.docx

ZH: transcript CWG IANA 13 October 2014-zh.doc



The recording for the session is available here.