WG on Future Challenges 05.10.11 Chat Transcript
Seth Greene:WGFC CHAT: 05 OCTOBER 2011
Tijani:bonjour Jean Jacques
CLO:hi there
Jean-Jacques:Bonjour Tijani
Gisella Gruber-White:Hello Jean-Jacques - we are dialling out to you
Jean-Jacques:hello Cheryl, Seth, Gisella
Seth Greene:Hello, Jean-Jacques.
Jean-Jacques:thanks Gisella, the hotel operator has been informed. Hope this works.
CLO:fingers crossed then JJS
Jean-Jacques:for the time being we're not quorate
avri:i can't find the page with the number to call. the page i have goes no where. so i am searching searching searching...
Gisella Gruber-White:Avri - in a second
Gisella Gruber-White:S:800.550.6865
Gisella Gruber-White:pass code 1638 #
avri:i guess i should write this down somewhere.
Jean-Jacques:have not been called yet...
Gisella Gruber-White:Operator having issues as getting message on the number - we are trying
Evan Leibovitch:good morning / afternoon / evening everyone
Jean-Jacques:Gisella if the operator is having problems with the hotel, please call my mobile 'phone +8613651609039.
Gisella Gruber-White:Jean-Jacques - message in foreign language on that number
Gisella Gruber-White:we are calling your mobile now
Jean-Jacques:EVAN: PLEASE OPEN THE MEETING AND GO AHEAD, I don't to have colleagues and Staff waste their time. I'll catch up.
Heidi Ullrich:Jean-Jacques, Evan is starting the meeting.
Gisella Gruber-White:JJ should be on now
Jean-Jacques:yes, joined.
Gisella Gruber-White:not yet
Sandra Hoferichter:IHi I have trouble to get connected could hear you but no one could answer
Gisella Gruber-White:Sandra - we call dial-out to you
CLO:Agenda is all good THANKS
Heidi Ullrich:Summary Minutes from 6-6-11:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+WG+on+Future+Challenges+06.06.2011+Summary+Minutes
Garth Bruen:ici
Gisella Gruber-White:Sergio has joined the call
Heidi Ullrich:Action Items from 6-6-11:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+WG+on+Future+Challenges+06.06.2011++Action+Items
CLO:Hi Sergio
Dave Kissoondoyal:Hello all, sorry for the delay
Ganesh Kumar:@JJS: Agree on honing the focus so that we can be effective. Mentioned this to Evan earlier also.
CLO:Hi Dave
Jean-Jacques:Cheryl, recognized, you'll speak next
Sandra Hoferichter:Hi allI am in just now.
Jean-Jacques:hello Sandra
CLO:and remembering always that we need to use the 'limiters' of what ICANN 's role and mandate is and SPECIFICALLY the At-Large role and ALAC capacity as an AC
Jean-Jacques:yes Cheryl
Jean-Jacques:and Alan
CLO:kind of a Mantra for me JJS ;-)
CLO:lists tend to end with WG
Garth Bruen:it's fine
CLO:we can title the purpose as a "Work Group of the ALAC on Future Challenges" then were all sorted ;-)
Gisella Gruber-White:Sergio disconnected and we are getting no answer now
avri:well a better method with the same result would be sad.
CLO:agreed Avri but as you KNOW I'm on the record as protesting the matter on process last time ...
avri:me too if i remember correctly
CLO:on the Economist Artical I place here for the chat record an extract of some salient text "The multi-stakeholder approach dates from the beginnings of the internet. Its founding fathers believed that more openness would be both more secure and better for innovation. What is more, since the internet is a network of independent networks, it is hard to construct a form of governance that allows anyone to dictate things from the top.Until the early 2000s most governments were happy---at least in Western countries where most internet users lived. They had no problem with the network’s standards being set by such organisations as the Internet Engineering Task Force, which is open to everybody. Nor did governments balk when America in 1998 set up the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), also based on the multi-stakeholder model, to manage the internet’s core: its address system.Yet as the internet has become a global medium attitudes have changed. At the World Summit on the Informati
Jean-Jacques:Alan recognized, to speak after Avri
CLO:.... If even ICANN cannot command the respect of its stakeholders, the entire multi-stakeholder model may be in danger. That is why the American government, long an ardent defender of the model, is expected to put a lot of pressure on ICANN to change its ways when a decision is taken next year whether the group should remain in charge of running the physical infrastructure of the internet’s address system, which--as critics keep pointing out-is still controlled by the American government.Yet some experts argue that ICANN-and thus the multi-stakeholder model itself--can firmly establish itself only when it is underpinned by a proper constitution, complete with a bill of rights for stakeholders and a separate board of review (or supreme court). ICANN, they say, resembles the kings and parliaments of old whose power is coercive and unconstrained. Only if internet governance has a “constitutional moment”, declares Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, a professor at Oxford University, will it avoid becoming th
CLO:powerful nations"
CLO:last line shouod read the plaything of Powerful nations
Evan Leibovitch:The biggest difference between the treatment of GAC and ALAC in the bylaws is that GAC comments *must* receive a reply from the Boardl ALAC advice des not.
Sandra Hoferichter:I have to leave the chat now but will stay on the phone
Evan Leibovitch:In terms of mandate -- or scope of what can be commented on -- the two ACs are fairly similar
Jean-Jacques:Cheryl recognized, to speak after Alan
Jean-Jacques:Thank you Sandra for coming
Jean-Jacques:Ganesh, to speak after Cheryl
Alan Greenberg:And there will be those who will pass judgement ithout even reading the Exec Summary.
Alan Greenberg:ithout=without
Jean-Jacques:Avri recognized, I'll reply to Ganesh, then you please speak
CLO:At-Large of course has several mechanisms to bring voice to the 'discussion table" obvious one os via the ICANN Public Partiipation opportunities generally and within the SO's and the AC's
CLO:ALA as we move through to our next level of maturity needs to establish its AC role distinctly from that of At-Large and at-large
CLO:ALA = ALAC above
Jean-Jacques:EVAN PLEASE CHAIR, my call has just been dropped
CLO:agree with Avri ans that is why we do that in all we put forward
Jean-Jacques:Gisella, could you please have the operator call me again?
CLO:we need to traqin the audience we 'pitch to ( at all levels) in ICANN YUP I agree Avri
CLO:and we seem to have that as a sword of damacles
Jean-Jacques:Evan chairing?
Garth Bruen:did we skip 3.a.?
Gisella Gruber-White:we are dialling back to JJ
CLO:the order is reversed Garth
CLO:mentioned at the beginning
Heidi Ullrich:Ganesh, your line has been muted
Garth Bruen:Ok, thx
Heidi Ullrich:to unmute, *7
CLO:It SHOULD be chaged in the Agenda as well *hint hint to staff*
Jean-Jacques:Gisella, I'm still waiting for the call on my mobile...
Heidi Ullrich:The agenda in the AC has been changed to reflect the order on the main wiki agenda page.
Jean-Jacques:anyone: are we still on item 3.a ?
CLO:we can onlpy just touch on THIS macro matter many MORE steps and discussions to follow
CLO:shifting to 3b now JJS
Jean-Jacques:thanks CLO
CLO:Working also woth the new leqdership ( and I wondeN Compliance as well is part of that process as well from an ALAC POV in my opinion
Jean-Jacques:I'm back
CLO:should read ( And i wonder about any new Directions in ICANN Compliance Dept)
Garth Bruen:question on Dakar meeting time, is that the final time? ICANN travel has me flying out at 5AM. If the schedule is set I will attempt a later flight.
avri:when is this WG scheduled to meet in Dakar?
Evan Leibovitch:as an AI: when was ALAC advice hededed and even was ALAC advice ignored... can we try to analyse what factors would lead to acceptance?
CLO:as soon as the Board meeting finishes Avri
Evan Leibovitch:I'm looking forward to a discussion with the Compliance team in which the answer is not "I'm new here, let me get back to you"
avri:ah, i will miss it, proabably can't even particpate remotely, as I got double booked for the week. never matter, i can catch up after.
Jean-Jacques:point taken Alan
CLO 2:Plenty more meetings post Dakar of course
Alan Greenberg:no problem, just wanted to leave the right concept in people's minds
CLO 2:Heidi can we post the proposed discussion poihts for the Board ALAC Meeting here please
avri:but will try to find a way to particpate remotely, assuming rmeote is working.
CLO 2:referenced to JJS's point
Heidi Ullrich:1. JAS WG Outcomes 2. ATRT Phase II Implementationa. ALAC/Board communications protocolsb. Outreach3. 2012-2015 Strategic Plan4. Board view on handling pressure to reform
CLO 2:Thanks Heidi I see this matter as fitting under Comms and to some extent ATRT topics
CLO 2:can we confirm we WILL hqng?ve remote for the meeti
Heidi Ullrich:Yes, can confirm
CLO 2:good
CLO 2:thanks
Tijani:see you
CLO 2:bye all
Ganesh Kumar:bye
Dave Kissoondoyal:Thanks and bye and safe travels to Dakar
Garth Bruen:Bye
Heidi Ullrich:bye