WG on Future Challenges -- Charter Workspace
ALAC suggestions:
-Start with GNSO Working Group Guidelines.
-Include WG goals.
-Include requirements for WG performance -- for example, clear target dates, reported at each ALAC meeting.
Example charter
- DSSA-WG Charter (Cross Community Charter)
- Board Technical Relations WG Charter
- Data Consumer Protection WG Charter
Draft text by WG members can be inserted below .Original text file 4th June 2011.
As proposed by the membership of the Working Group in response to the 26 April 2011 ALAC informal recommendations regarding the creation of this charter.
The role of the At-Large Advisory Committee ("ALAC") shall be to consider and provide advice on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users. Art. XI, Sec. 9(4)
The At-Large Working Group on Future Challenges is formed as an open ALAC Standing Working Group with an initial chartered working term that corresponds with ICANN’s 2012 fiscal year (subject to presumptive renewal considerations); it will be responsible for:
•Proposing a limited list of priority issues and/or emerging strategic challenges (which owing to their potential impact on the global Internet, on ICANN and on the at-large community, should be addressed in the near future by the ALAC)
•Discussing these issues and challenges and the manner by which the ALAC should address them
The exploration of these issues shall constitute the core of the work programme for the Working Group
Working method
To the maximum extent possible, the Working Group will be guided by the "GNSO Working Group Guidelines http://gnso.icann.org/council/annex-1-gnso-wg-guidelines-07apr11-en.pdf ", as deemed appropriate; the Working Group will be open to all members of the at-large community.
During the term of this mandate the specific strategic issues to be covered in each reporting cycle will be decided upon by the Chair after sufficient discussion by the membership.
The Working Group is expected to carry out the activities identified in this Charter. In carrying out these activities, the Working Group may opt to use sub-teams or work teams to carry out part of the tasks for which it may attract at-large volunteers that are not current members of either the At-Large Advisory Committee or the regional at-large organizations. In the exercise of this option, the At-Large Working Group on Future Challenges retains responsibility for reviewing and approving any and all work team recommendations intended for submission to the ALAC for its consideration.
At its initial meeting the Working Group should nominate a Chair and a Vice Chair from its membership. The Chair and Vice Chair are expected to act in a neutral manner and avoid any situation where a conflict of interest may arise.
Observers of the Standing Working Group
As this entity is being formed not on an ad-hoc or single-issue-specific basis, but rather as a Standing Working Group, it shall warrant that its membership will be diverse and will include representatives from each of the regional at-large organizations. The Working Group will also resolve to accept an ALAC-appointed liaison.
Staff Support
The ICANN Staff assigned to the At-Large Working Group on Future Challenges will fully support the work of the Working Group as directed by the Chair including meeting support, the maintenance of archives, document drafting, editing and distribution and other substantive contributions when deemed appropriate. Staff assignments to the At-Large Working Group on Future Challenges will include personnel drawn from the At-Large Staff to perform secretariat functions, and personnel from ICANN’s policy staff.
Decision making
Unless otherwise determined by the Working Group members, decisions will be made by using a "full consensus" process as described in the GNSO Working Group Guidelines.
At a minimum at every public ICANN meeting, the Working Group Chair shall provide the ALAC with an update concerning the issues dealt with by the Working Group, any recommendations to be tendered, and an activity timeline.
Work Group Members (alphabetical by last name) and links to their SoI's (may or may not be included in the Charter)
Tijani Ben Jemaa
Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (Co-Chair)
Alan Greenberg
Sandra Hoferichter
Cheryl Langdon-OrrEvan Leibovitch (Co-Chair)
Sergio Salinas Porto
Vanda Scartezini
Darlene Thompson
Danny Younger
Former Members:
Marc Rotenberg.