At-Large Technology Taskforce WG 2012-07-23 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the At-Large Technology Task Force call on Monday 23 July 2012 at 1700 UTC
Heidi Ullrich:Hello, All
Juan Manuel Rojas:Hi to all
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello! @ Juan Manuel we're dialling out to you now.
Juan Manuel Rojas:thanks
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello, Juan!
Juan Manuel Rojas:hello Dev
Yaovi Atohoun:OK
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Juan Manuel Rojas:it sounds too far away
Yaovi Atohoun:could not hear
Nathalie Peregrine:Yaovi, we cannot hear you.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Sivasubramanian M:Dev
Sivasubramanian M:'
Sivasubramanian M:l
Yaovi Atohoun:I agree on what you have posted on the wiki as strategy
Sivasubramanian M:machine translation is OK to approximately interpret an email message or a web page, but to rely entirely on
Sivasubramanian M:machine translation for at large c
Sivasubramanian M:business is
Fouad Bajwa:IG issues?
Sivasubramanian M:would be
Fouad Bajwa:you mean ICANN related IG issues right?
Sivasubramanian M:would make communication ineffective
Sivasubramanian M:What we could do is to identify
Yaovi Atohoun:ok
Sivasubramanian M:y
Sivasubramanian M:ma
Fouad Bajwa:because the broader issues are not ICANN's mandate nor At-Large's
Fouad Bajwa:ICANN is a key stakeholder of IG processes but IG itself is very broad and beyond the scope of this TF
Sivasubramanian M:zfive or six major languages that are geographically diverse, and cover a large number of
Sivasubramanian M:users
Sivasubramanian M:for example, spanish and Portuguese for lacralo identified as languages that can fairly cover a large proportion of users in LAC, Chinese and hindi in asia, for a start
Fouad Bajwa:I think we should start from inside out. For example, the basic issue of the ICANN Wiki/Confluence is that it has yet not matured to be user friendly and truly accessible beyond some of us ICT people
Fouad Bajwa:a social media strategy needs to look at what it intends to achieve:
Sivasubramanian M:and once we identify five or six major languages, we can identify major communication topics and professionally translate content
Fouad Bajwa:1. inform inside
Fouad Bajwa:2. or inform outside
Fouad Bajwa:or both
Fouad Bajwa:Siva, please don't repeat what you have already placed in the chat before
Fouad Bajwa:because it gets jumbled :)
Heidi Ullrich:The ALS Starter Kit has this information:
Sivasubramanian M:agree with Fouad on user f
Sivasubramanian M:the need to make icann web user friendly
Heidi Ullrich:Yaovi, could you look at this Starter Kit and let us know if this contains the information you have suggested?
Fouad Bajwa:we might be confusing the need for wiki posts and posts informing about them?
Juan Manuel Rojas:
Fouad Bajwa:for example, you can have multiple messages in different languages in your wiki but then only links to those messages in your facebook
Fouad Bajwa:or whatever the social media channel
Gordon Chillcott:Agreed, Fouad - there has to be a "channeling method"
Yaovi Atohoun:Thank you Heidi for reminding this important document
Fouad Bajwa:we don't need different manages
Fouad Bajwa:managers and instead we can try to keep it posterized
Yaovi Atohoun:Thank you Heidi
Juan Manuel Rojas:please click on link I posted
Nathalie Peregrine:Can all participants on the AC room mute their microphones
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Gordon Chillcott:Lovely term, now that I understand it
Heidi Ullrich:Could someone repeat what it means, please?
Juan Manuel Rojas:I just add a comment on that wiki pager
Fouad Bajwa:For the summary: There are various tools to help channelize multiple sources of SM
Juan Manuel Rojas:-r
Fouad Bajwa:not scarce
Yaovi Atohoun:Sorry. My computer was taking too long to lower my hand
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Fouad!
Fouad Bajwa:Thanks Heidi!
Fouad Bajwa:Dev, we can keep out of software/web application titles but we should keep in mind to keep things efficient instead of having more people to do the social media job unless it is necessary that we can request a dedicated new staff member termed as SM Manager
Juan Manuel Rojas:yeap Fouad, thats what I am trying to say..
Heidi Ullrich:AI: TTF Members are to test the three tools outlined in the SM strategy. They are to add their comments on each of these tools to the wiki page.
Heidi Ullrich:Is that correct?
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks!
Fouad Bajwa:The At-Large wiki needs some slight improvements to rearrage existing information for effieciency
Fouad Bajwa:because it remains a challenge for many, this is an ongoing unhappiness amongst many
Heidi Ullrich:We could add subject matters to the wiki page
Fouad Bajwa:and i can personally understand why. Confluence was originally for managing software/web projects and open source communities
Heidi Ullrich:Currently it is organized by structure (ie., ALAC, RALOs, ALS, individuals and Working Groups).
Fouad Bajwa:and as it opened up to non-profits, its been evolving but really isn't directly at the layman or beginner beyond the technology working groups
Fouad Bajwa::)
Gordon Chillcott:Drilling down is not as bad as trying, as I've needed to do, drilling sideways.
Fouad Bajwa:so we may need to work it out a bit on the wiki issues and we can do the social media structuring as required
Fouad Bajwa:I am not suggesting major changes, but going to back and listening from our membership across the board and then merging the necessary changes within the context of social media
Gordon Chillcott:Sounded like an echo.
Fouad Bajwa:Exactly Dev, we can merge mailing lists on a single page in confluence
Fouad Bajwa:yeah a TF Improvements Status Survey!
Fouad Bajwa:yeah and above all anything we do actually affects the process through which ICANN engages and vice versa with its community in the bottom up process
Fouad Bajwa:that is online/remotely
Gordon Chillcott:I like the idea of bringing the Working Groups forward
Fouad Bajwa:i can hardly hear matt if it is him
Juan Manuel Rojas:I hear him very low
Heidi Ullrich:Please see the notes to the right.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:LACRALO mailing list issues :
Juan Manuel Rojas:ok, thnak heidi
Gordon Chillcott:Do we know to what extent this is a problem in other RALO's?
Heidi Ullrich:It is not a significant problem. Other RALOS operate primarily in EN or translate EN/FR (AFRALO) in one email.
Fouad Bajwa:confluence does ;)
Fouad Bajwa:but not sure on encoding
Fouad Bajwa:say yes to monthly meeting
Sivasubramanian M:yes
Fouad Bajwa:u got a lot of work on u in terms of the new gtlds ;)
Gordon Chillcott:Yes to a monthly meeting
Yaovi Atohoun:Yes
Sivasubramanian M:or on a given date
Yaovi Atohoun:cqn we push it to 18h?
Sivasubramanian M:one out of four Mondays could be missed like the three other Mondays but the same date would be looked forward to
Gordon Chillcott:Thank You!
Sivasubramanian M:thanks dev
Fouad Bajwa:Thanks
Juan Manuel Rojas:thanks dev, bye everyoone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone. Be sure to comment on the wiki!
Juan Manuel Rojas:I already put a comment on wiki..
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:;-) thanks I'll be sure to review it
Juan Manuel Rojas:We will be in touch