At-Large Document Reference System

At-Large Document Reference System

The fields are as follows for the At-Large Document Reference System:

  • Group: Defined at the group behind the document. Options are as follows: 
    • ALAC
      • ex: AL-ALAC-ST-0213-01-00-EN
      • ex: AL-ALAC-CO-0213-01-00-EN
      • ex: AL-ALAC-ROP-0213-01-00-EN
    • RALO: The name of the RALO will always be preceded by "RALO-"
      • ex: AL-RALO-EURALO-ST-0213-01-00-EN
      • ex: AL-RALO-EURALO-CO-0213-01-00-EN
    • Working Group: The name of the WG is to always be preceded by "ALAC-" when it is an ALAC working Group, but preceded by RALO name as above, when it is a RALO working group
      • ex: AL-ALAC-Whois-CO-0213-01-00-EN
  • Document Type: Defined as
    • Correspondence: CO - any type of correspondence that is not a Statement
    • Statement: ST - a Statement is correspondence that has been ratified by a vote from the 15 member ALAC. It can also be correspondence ratified by At-Large Structure members of a RALO.
    • Other: We will need to indicate this document type as they come up (ex: ROP = Rules of Procedure) 
  • Date: A simple two digit month and two digit year format
  • Document Number: Two digit number, starting back at "01" both for each month and for each type of document. 
    • ex: AL-ALAC-ST-0213-01-00-EN and AL-ALAC-CO-0213-01-00-EN
  • Revision Number: This will always start at "00" for the original document and will sequentially increase with each revision. 
  • Language: The two letter code will be the last reference. They are:
    • EN: English
    • FR: French
    • ES: Spanish
    • AR: Arabic
    • RU: Russian
    • ZH: Chinese
  • File Saving: Going forward, all files will be saved with the document reference numbers as their titles. This will allow users to search for the specific document they are looking for.