At-Large Future Challenges R3 White Paper Workspace
At-Large Future Challenges R3 White Paper Workspace
Close Date | Statement Name | Status | Assignee(s) and | Call for Comments | Call for Comments Close | Vote Announcement | Vote Open | Vote Reminder | Vote Close | Date of Submission | Staff Contact and Email | Statement Number |
n/a | Adopted 15Y, 0N, 0A |
| 29.05.2012 | 14.06.2012 | 20.09.2012 | 20.09.2012 | 26.09.2012 | 27.09.2012 | 28.09.2012 | n/a | n/a |
Further to today's discussions on the ALAC ExCom call held on 23-May-2012 and in accordance with the preliminary discussions held the ALAC call held on 22-May-2012, the time-line which we have agreed to for proceeding forward with this, based on the principle of opening the discussion first to the At-Large community and then to the wider community through an ICANN-wide public comment, and taking into account At-Large Staff bandwidth being stretched to its maximum at the moment, is as follows:
- COMPLETED-Staff are to send out a call for comments by 29-May-2012
- COMPLETED-Staff are to send a copy of this document to ICANN to Language Services providing the option for it to be translated now, with the caveat that some paragraphs may change. It is up to Language Services to decide whether they'd get going immediately on the translation, or to wait until final version.
- COMPLETED-Comments are to close on 14-June-2012 at 23:15 UTC
- COMPLETED-Updates to the document are to be completed by 17-Jun-2012 and sent to Staff by 23:59 UTC
- COMPLETED-Staff are to send the new document to be translated as soon as possible
- COMPLETED-Once the document is confirmed as final, Staff are to make the document widely available to ICANN's Community
- COMPLETED-The public comment, once started, will last at least a month -- until early August 2012 and in time for the FCWG to be able to collate and analyze comments in time for amendments and the August ALAC conference call, where the resulting paper will be put to the ALAC for ratification.
FINAL VERSION-Please click here to download a copy of the document below in PDF format.
Please click here to download a copy of the document below in PDF format.