ALAC Statement on Compliance and the RAA Workspace

ALAC Statement on Compliance and the RAA Workspace


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(Please click "Adopted" to download a copy of the Final Statement)

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n/aALAC Statement on Compliance and the RAAOther- Statement to be read as a comment in the ICANN Public Forumevan.leibovitch

Hi. I'm Holly Raiche, chair of the Asia Pacific region of At-Large.

This statement has been agreed to by consensus at today's ALAC meeting,

When At-Large members appeared in this forum at the Prague meeting, our comments indicated criticism and disappointment.

(We are/I am) happy to say that here, thanks to what we have heard from ICANN’s new CEO and Vice President of Compliance, that mood has changed substantially to one of guarded optimism. We enthusiastically support the production and publication of widespread contractual audits. While we remain vigilant to ensure that promises are met, we are greatly encouraged by the presentations made this week.

Having said this, our attention is now focused on the regulations and prodecures that Compliance must enforce. We remain concerned that problems with the wording of clause 3.7.8 undermines the enforceability of ICANN policy. In fact, we continue our concern about the overall method of RAA reform, and reject the assertion that this is “just another contract” subject to closed negotiation. Public-interest involvement in RAA reform is critical to building the kind of global trust that ICANN needs.

In all, this week has been cause for hope. We will continue to work with ICANN’s staff and to drive this agenda, and look forward to making ICANN more deserving of the trust of the billions of Internet users worldwide. Expect followup statements from us offering concrete advice going forward.