At-Large .CAT WHOIS Proposed Changes Workspace

At-Large .CAT WHOIS Proposed Changes Workspace

Important Information Links

Comment Open:

20 January2012

Comment Close:

10 February 2012

Close Time (UTC):

23:59 UTC

Reply Open:

11 February 2012

Reply Close:

3 March 2012

Close Time (UTC):

23:59 UTC

Brief Overview


Originating Organization:



Contracted Party Agreements

Purpose (Brief):

The Fundacio puntCAT request requires amendment to the .cat Registry Agreement signed 23 September 2005.

Current Status:

Fundacio puntCAT's, the .cat registry, requests Whois changes according to EU data protection legislation.

Next Steps:

Upon closure of public comments, ICANN will consider the proposed amendment.

Staff Contact:

Karla Valente



Detailed Information


Section I: Description, Explanation, and Purpose

On August 2011, Fundacio puntCAT's, the .cat registry, submitted a request under ICANN's Registry Services Evaluation Process (RSEP) requesting Whois changes according to EU data protection legislation.  ICANN has conducted a preliminary review in accordance with the Registry Services Evaluation Policy and process set forth athttp://www.icann.org/registries/rsep/rsep.html. ICANN's preliminary review (based on the information provided) did not identify any significant competition, security, or stability issues.
Fundació puntCAT consulted with the relevant authorities on the impact of the Spanish and EU legislation on data protection. More information on the original RSEP request http://www.icann.org/en/registries/rsep/puntcat-cat-request-05oct11-en.pdf [PDF, 377 KB].

The implementation of the request requires an amendment to the .cat Registry Agreement signed 23 September 2005. This public forum requests comments regarding the proposed amendment. Here are the proposed revised Appendix 5[PDF, 276 KB] and Appendix S-Part VI [PDF, 432 KB] redline versions for comments.

Section II: Background

On 23 September 2005, ICANN and Fundació puntCAT entered into a Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement under which Fundació puntCAT sponsors the .cat top-level domain. Information about the original agreement and other amendments can be found here: http://www.icann.org/en/tlds/agreements/cat/.
Fundació puntCAT  has been operational since 2006. As of September 2011, .cat has  approximately 52,000 domain names registered, about 23 registrar accreditations and has no compliance issues at this time. The back-end service provider is CORE.
In the past, ICANN received similar request from Telnic Ltd, the .tel registry. See:http://www.icann.org/en/registries/rsep/index.html#2007004.

Section III: Document and Resource Links

Section IV: Additional Information
