At-Large ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan Workspace

At-Large ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan Workspace

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ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan

For translated versions, please check this page




Glenn McKnight




17.12.201422.12.2014 23:59 UTC05.01.2015 23:59 UTC05.01.2015 23:59 UTC11.01.201512.01.2015 23:59 UTC13.01.2015Carole Cornell Carole Cornell carole.cornell@icann.orgAL-ALAC-ST-0115-01-01-EN


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Webinar Recording: ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan & FY16 Operating Plan and Budget Calendar


  File Modified

PDF File AL-ALAC-ST-0115-01-01-EN.pdf

Jan 12, 2015 by Ariel Liang

PDF File Webinar- FiveYearOps PlanFY16 OpsPlancalendar20141125.pdf

Dec 10, 2014 by Ariel Liang

PDF File proposed-opplan-budget-2016-2020-10nov14-en.pdf

Nov 20, 2014 by Ariel Liang


Please click here to download a copy of the pdf document below.  


The ALAC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft Five-Year Operating Plan for FY16-FY20 and hereby submits its comments:

  • We are concerned that the document does not take into account the possible impact, if any,  that the IANA stewardship transition may have in ICANN’s operations. Therefore, we recommend that an assessment be made of the possible impact that the IANA stewardship transition may have in ICANN’s operations.
  • The document seems to suggest that stakeholder engagement is to be encouraged by staff only. In this regard, our vision is that stakeholder engagement must be a task carried out by the community, including staff, but not just by staff. We therefore recommend that the wording in the document refers to the wider ICANN community, in general, and not only to staff.
  • Several goals are suggested to be measured by metrics in which the only indicator refers to documents that deal with planning but not with implementation. We therefore recommend that metrics focus not only on planning but also on implementing and that implementation metrics be included in those strategic objectives or goals where fit. We recommend the metrics to be developed based on SMART criteria (i.e. specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time-related). 
  • We have repeatedly recommended that awareness and participation fostering efforts must be done at local, regional and international levels, especially with underrepresented stakeholders, regardless of their economic strength or development. We therefore recommend that engagement is encouraged with these communities and at these three levels, establishing metrics that reflect the scope of action not only with international organizations but also with regional and local entities.
  • The document states that “Comprehensive regional engagement plans and strategies covering most ICANN regions” will be established in phase 1 for FY16. While we welcome the elaboration of regional engagement plans, we would like to emphasize that these plans should be made for all ICANN regions as opposed to most as stated in the document. We therefore recommend reviewing the wording in order to accommodate the suggested wording and be able to cover all ICANN regions.

The ALAC trusts that these comments will be taken into account to define the final version of ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan.



The ALAC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft Five-Year Operating Plan for FY16-FY20 and hereby submits its comments:

  • We are concerned that the document does not take into account the possible impact, if any,  that the IANA stewardship transition may have in ICANN’s operations. Therefore, we recommend that an assessment of the possible impact that the IANA stewardship transition may have in ICANN’s operations.

  • The document seems to suggest that stakeholder engagement is to be encouraged by staff only. In this regard, our vision is that stakeholder engagement must be a task carried out by the community, including staff, but not just by staff. We therefore recommend that the wording in the document refers to the wide ICANN community, in general, and not only to staff.

  • Several goals are suggested to be measured by metrics in which the only indicator refers to documents that deal with planning but not with implementation. We therefore recommend that metrics focus not only in planning but also in implementing and that implementation metrics be included in those strategic objectives or goals where fit. A  clear  useage SMART results based charts would be recommended.

  • We have repeatedly recommended that awareness and participation fostering efforts must be done at local, regional and international levels, especially with under represented stakeholders, regardless of their economic strength or development. We therefore recommend that engagement is encouraged with these communities and at these three levels, establishing metrics that reflect the scope of action not only with international organizations but also with regional and local entities.

The ALAC trusts that these comments will be taken into account to define the final version of ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan.