ALAC Statement on the Academia Representation on NomCom

ALAC Statement on the Academia Representation on NomCom

This wiki space is to be used for the development of the ALAC Statement on the Academia Representation on NomCom, initially drafted by EURALO member Christopher Wilkinson.  The ICANN public comment announcement can be found at http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-30apr11-en.htm.

Click here for the final version of this statement submitted on 18 May 2011.

Second Proposed Version

Under Review until 28/05/2011, 22:00 UTC

Statement of the ALAC Academia Representation on NomCom

The ALAC notes that this request for public comments is focused on one specific default act: the amendment of ICANN By-Laws by the removal of Article VII, Section 2.8.c:

“An entity designated by the Board to represent academic and similar organizations;”

Removal of this article would be considered if no effective way is proposed by the community to select members of Academia to serve on the NomCom and this would remove the position described from the composition of the Nominating Committee.

If no other proposals are made, the ALAC has, in principle, been in agreement with the removal of this clause, provided this is undertaken as part of a wider process keeping academia involved in the Nominating Committee, whether via the GNSO or otherwise. This process appears to exist, as described in the introduction of the Request for Public Comment.

A fuller description of the manner and type of wider involvement from Academia in ICANN, is out of the scope of this statement, but the ALAC would be willing to provide input about this subject in the future.

<end of statement>

At-Large members are asked to submit their comments regarding the text below.  The deadline for comments is Wednesday, 25 May 2011, at 23:59 UTC.

ALAC Statement on the Academia Representation on the Nominating Committee (NomCom)

1.  The "academic" seat on Nominating Committee should not be deleted but reassigned in a way that would maintain the non-commercial/commercial balance within the ICANN Nominating Committee.

Also, the wide range and large numbers of academic Internet technologists and users, world-wide, should retain a fully justified and historically well-earned role within the ICANN community.

2.  ALAC volunteers to undertake to fill this seat (in addition to the existing ALAC quota) on the following basis:

  • Priority would be given to accomplished and recognised people from the regional research/university networks, world-wide (e.g. Educause, Terena, and their colleagues in other regions);
  • Geographical diversity would be maintained by rotation on a biennial basis; and
  • Gender balance in the ICANN Nominating Committee.

On this basis, ICANN would maintain the existing balance of representation and affiliation in the Nominating Committee and At-Large would be able to contribute its wide range of contacts among the Internet community world-wide, including the academic community.