Summary Minutes 14 June 2010

Summary Minutes 14 June 2010


Discussion notes - 14 June 2010

Participants: Annalisa Rogers, Beau Brendler, Alan Greenberg, Darlene Thompson, Gareth Shearman, Jolie Mc Fie, Garth Bruen, Seth Reiss, Alan Hughes, Alan Skuce
Apologies: Evan Leibovitch
Staff: Matthias Langengger

NARALO Meeting
Summary Minutes
June 14, 2010

Present: Annalisa Rice, Beau Brendler, Alan Greenberg, Darlene Thompson, Matthias, Joly MacFie, Gareth Shearman, Garth Bruen, Seth Reiss, Alan Skuce, Eduardo Diaz

Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call (2 minutes)

2. Review of Summary Minutes 10 May 2010 and Action Items 10 May 2010 (5 minutes)

  • Adopted
  • Brochure has gone to the printers

3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)

a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

b. ALAC Statements are being prepared for the following consultations:

• RSSAC Review – Draft Working Group Report (ends 5 June 10)
• Draft FY11 Operating Plan and Budget (ends 25 June 10)
• Questions to the Community on Accountability and Transparency within ICANN (ends 1 July10)
• DNS-CERT Operational Requirements & Collaboration Analysis Workshop (ends 2 July 10)
• Meetings for the Next Decade, Stage One (ends 5 July 10)

Honolulu Location for next North American meeting – the Honolulu Tourist Board has done everything they can do to get themselves considered. Usually ICANN puts out RFPs for locations for meetings several years in advance. Due to on-going discussion as to what types of meetings we should be having, ICANN delayed the process for the 2011 meetings. So, at this point there is no call out and we have a meeting up-coming fairly quickly and we have no idea where it is.

• Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Subsection (ends July 9) (The ALAC will work on a draft statement on this consultation in Brussels. All regional representatives are asked to come to Brussels prepared to work on the statement) - Beau is taking the lead on this.

Proposed Agenda Items

4. Presentation and Discussion on latest Whois Report (Garth)(10 mins)

See Presentation of KnujOn study on registrar compliance (PPT)
Garth gave a presenation on the KnujOn study on registrar compliance.

Beau: Thank you. To me this sounds like a realistic depiction of the registrar situation. However, what we get from ICANN's compliance department sounds different.

Alan: until about a year ago ICANN did basically nothing on compliance. I have never heard compliance say that they are actively ensuring compliance. I am shocked about the results of the KnujOn study, but not surprised.

Gareth: David Giza gave a presentation in Mexico where he assured that ICANN will take compliance more serious.

Joly: maybe we should submit an ALAC statement on this

Garth: I will send out a document before the study is released, proba

Beau: I will volunteer on that

5. Update on the ALS Survey 2010 (Darlene)(10 mins)

The global ALS Survey closed 24 May.

a. ALS Survey Analysis Working Group - Next Steps

Background information:
Presenation Results NARALO (PPT)
Survey Stats
Questions on the ALS Survey
ALS Survey Schedule

At Large Board Member – Any process carried out by RALOs in selecting a board member must be squeaky clean in the way of process and be auditable. We need a 50% quorum. We are barely getting that now for surveys and such.

Beau will follow up with ALSs that are inactive.

6. Brussels Meeting Activities (Evan, Beau, Alan, Gareth)(10 mins)

a. At-Large Meeting Agendas and Remote Participation Information

i. Click here for the schedule of At-Large Meetings in Brussels

7. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process (Annalisa, Myles)(5 minutes)

a. Activities of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Annalisa: They are just ready to put out the call for SOIs. The idea was to get that out before the Brussels meeting. If anybody in NARALO is interested,
they need to put their names forward.

b. Next Steps

8. Update on Draft FY11 Operating Plan and Budget (Gareth)(5 mins)

See Community Call on Draft FY11 Operating Plan and Budget 10 June 2010 (with Kevin Wilson)

Gareth: The Budget Committee seems to be making some small progress but its slow. They are still fighting to have more regional meetings in the North
American meeting. We have progressed from the days when we were told to never mind about the budget process to now having a say in it.

9. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau, Gareth) (10 mins)

10. Recent/Upcoming activities of NARALO members (all)(5 mins)

11. Any other Business (5 mins)

Individual Member Issue – We need to discuss this further. First we need to determine who our individual ALS members are. Darlene will do that. Darlene and Alan will then draft an e-mail to them to figure out their status.

Turnover at ICANN – Doug Brent, Nick and Keiran are all gone. Is this a single thing or several separate issues? Alan feels that they are separate issues. This can be further discussed in Brussels.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:03 pm