Summary Minutes 10 May 2010

Summary Minutes 10 May 2010

Discussion notes: 10 May 2010

Participants: Gordon, Evan, Alan Greenberg, Seth, Darlene, Matthias, Alan Skuce, Garreth, Eduardo, Louie Houle, Beau Brendler, Glenn, Joly
Staff: Seth Greene, Matthias Langenegger

Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call (2 minutes)

2. Review of Summary Minutes 12 April 2010 and Action Items 12 April 2010 (5 minutes)

3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)

GNSO Prioritization – This is just looking at prioritization and not with what will be done later.
Communications and Coordination – The GNSO web site needs fixing. It also says a lot of other things that are good. Communications and work cooperation with other SOs and ACs need to be enhanced. Mission creep is also addressed. The Charter must also specify what the expected outcomes are.

NARALO Position on .xxx – Should the NARALO make any other specific recommendation or should we go with what ALAC did. The ALAC statement didn’t go any where near as far as we did. So should we let the ALAC statement go in “as is” or should we be putting in our own submission?

Gareth: He did endorse the ALAC submission but it was rather watered down as per what North America might want. Freedom of speech is a real hot topic.

Beau: It was rather difficult to get consensus through ALAC on this so he is not sure where to go with this. If there is something ready to go right now, fine.

Alan: This isn’t the only area where there is a difference of opinion. This shouldn’t be about content but many believe that it should be. There will be differences in our own RALO on this, as well. We may have put a position forward that put people off. There is still a huge discussion as to whether this is a content issue or not.
Consensus seems to be to be to put it to bed as is.

NARALO Election Process – We need to set the wheels in motion for elections for Chair, Secretariat and Beau’s ALAC position. Beau has indicated that he would like to stand again for his position. Evan, Darlene and staff will work on time lines.

a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

There is a survey coming out for ALSs on all kinds of things that we need to get out to the ALSs. Also, a couple of new ALSs have been approved. We also just approved the statement on WHOIS confidence.

b. ALAC Statements are being prepared for the following consultations:
New GNSO Council Work Prioritization Process Recommendations (ends 16 May 10) (see draft Statement by Alan Greenberg
Communications and Coordination Work Team (CCT) Final Consolidated Recommendations (ends 16 May 10)
Recommendation on Reconsideration Request 10-1 (ends 19 May 10)

Proposed Agenda Items

4. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process (Annalisa, Myles, Evan)(10 minutes)

  • 4.1) Review of Next Steps of the At-Large Board Selection process

Proposed Date

At-Large Director Appointment Process Milestones


February 15-Mar 152010

Public Call for Statements of Interest (SOI) / applications from candidates.


February 23, 2010

ALAC Meeting confirms/ endorses ABSC Membership (see below) and ensures alldocuments and available commentary outcomes are available for the Nairobi


March-April 2010

Ratification by SIC and ICANN Board of the At-Large Director AppointmentProcess. Draft; distribute for comment; and approve Bylaw revision.

open (the SIC will discuss the proposal during their 23 May meeting )

March-April 2010

ABSC review and selection based on Candidate SOIs and associated input.Throughout May First round voting on candidate list.


Throughout May

First round voting on candidate list.


Board Selection Committee - We need a board member that doesn’t have financial ties.

(see full Board Selection Process White Paper)

5. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Gareth, Alan, Beau) (5 mins)

New gTld Issues – There has been issues on the public morality clause. There has also been discussion on whether there should be a reduction in cost or cash subsidies for certain gTld applicants. We would need to define which applicants would be able to apply for this. Louis Houle would be interested in joining this group.

6. Upcoming activities of NARALO members (all)(5 mins)


7. Update on the NARALO Brochure (Evan)(5 mins)


8. Update on the At-Large Improvements Process (15 Mins)(Seth Greene)


At-Large Improvements Wiki workspace ( PDF version )
Simplified Outline Plan

There were 13 recommendations that needed improvement. Seth read through them all. In the workspace there is a link to each recommendation and a summary of the tasks that the larger recommendation has been boiled down to. There is then a Status Log where people can check up on the status of each task. Under Working Groups there are ways that the community can engage and put in feedback in this topic.

9. At-Large Webinar (Evan)(10 mins)

The At-Large webinar will provide an introduction to the At-Large community and the its structures, describe the role of the At-Large community in the ICANN policy development process, highlight how the At-Large community has contributed to ICANN policy development, and explain how to join the At-Large community.

The At-Large webinar is scheduled for either June 9th or 10th (Doodle will be sent out shortly).
To ensure we get the best use out of this event for our community, some key questions for NARALO:

  • What do you want the audience to do because they heard this? (Example: contact local ALS? Form an ALS? Come to Brussels? Other?)
  • Should this event be targeted towards existing members (in-reach) or newcomers?
  • How will the success of the presentation be measured? (Number attending? Times downloaded? Number of new participants? Other?)

Background Information:
At-Large Webinar Schedule

10. Update on the ALS Survey 2010 (Evan, Staff)(5 mins)

The global ALS Survey was launched on May 7 and will run until May 17th.

Background information:
Questions on the ALS Survey
ALS Survey Schedule
See Live Poll Stats

This mainly to get an idea of current contact information and how we can get them involved and what they are interested in. It also explores ways of increased cooperation and also on At-Large Geographic regions. Darlene has volunteered to be the regional coordinator for NARALO.

11. Announcements and Upcoming Events (Evan)(5 mins)

  • Webinar on Policy Development at ICANN: How you can help ICANN Shape the Future of the Internet?

This webinar is scheduled for 20 May 2010 at 12.00 UTC and 19.00 UTC (see full announcement). Additional details will follow shortly.

12. Any other Business (5 mins)

Seth Reiss: Honalulu has put in a proposal to ICANN to host the next North American meeting.