Summary Minutes 11 May 2009

Summary Minutes 11 May 2009

The Summary Minutes 20 April 2009 were adopted per consensus

1. Recall procedure in NARALO Operating Principles

Recall Procedures - draft 2.doc

Glen move for the draft to be adopted and Garreth seconded the move. The text was unanimously adopted, and had previously been agreed online through the discussion list.
Garreth asked what was meant by ‘General Assembly’ when applied to the recall procedure. Glen Mc Knight explained that he meant when the ALS converged and met.

H Ullrich pointed out that, officially speaking, the meaning of ‘GA’ is not a monthly teleconference as the GA takes place only once a year. She will check the definition of ‘General Assembly’ in the NARALO Ordinary Rules of Procedures and will examine the ICANN bylaws to make sure that the recall draft complies with them.

It was reminded that the definition for a ‘quorum’ depends on the type of the meeting and the details about that point are also in the Rules of Procedures. Darlene said that NARALO should consider rewriting or abolishing the Rules of Procedures as they are clashing with the NARALO Operating Principles at some points. Originally, they were drafted in haste in 2007 and aimed only at protecting the meeting from a potential takeover.

D Thompson will work with Garreth and Evan on an update of the current NARALO Rules of Procedure and the draft will be sent to the NARALO list for online discussion. H Ullrich will help comparing the two documents.
S Reiss agreed that the ‘quorum’ was not addressed properly in the current NARALO Operating Principles and there needed to be a definition for it in order for the ALSes to be able to conduct business. The ‘rough consensus’ only determined whether a vote passed or not, but did not per se give authority to conduct business. H Ullrich will ask Nick Ashton-Hart to specify to NARALO members how they should interpret the procedures.

2. Regional Advice for Papergate - Update (Darlene)

Three week ago, H Ullrich sent an email to Papergate but they have not answered to it.
D Thompson and E Leibovitch will inform Papergate that their application will be rejected by NARALO and ask them to withdraw their application.

3. Open Public Comment Periods: (All open public comments)

Selected open public comment periods:

IRTP Draft Report (ends 20 May 09)
New IDNgTLD Constituency Petition and Charter (ends 20 May 09)
New Consumers Constituency Petition and Charter (ends 14 May 09)
Travel Support (ends 24 April 09)
Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure (ends 28 May 09)
Report on Improving Institutional Confidence Plan (ends 11 May 09)

Garreth said there were 5 votes for ALAC during the last week and he had to read the documents referring to them and had voted in favour of these ALAC statements.

H Ullrich informed about the two upcoming teleconference calls with Kevin Wilson on the ICANN travel guideline on 15 and 16 April. Details of them on the announce list.

IRTP public comment period will be open till 24 May. ALAC has already submitted its comment.

4. Sydney Meetings schedule

Plans are going to be finalized. There are quite a few At-Large meetings planned in Sydney (see on Icann Web site - Sydney ICANN meeting page)

At-Large Meeting Schedule

The regional secretariat meeting is planned on Thursday between 12 and 13 but some RALOs want to extend the session to include some further in-depth discussions. Any questions for travel and visa contact will be attended in English or in French at: constituency-travel@icann.org
For BCD travel and tickets information: email to veronica.demartini@bcdtravel.com)

5. Developments in other RALOs

a. APRALO has developed a Google map page. APRALO, AFRALO, EURALO, are developing strategies for outreach to get more ALSes and more effective policy-making. NARALO agreed to develop a Google map page for the region.

b. In EURALO, W Ludwig and D Greeve have developed a new dynamic working tool that will be used for exchanging information with the ALSes and about events in the region that EURALO plans to attend to. ALSes will make short speeches about ICANN activities at events planned in their towns and will hand out Start-off packs with short information about ICANN and EURALO to potential ALS members. NARALO is also interested in developing a start-off pack for their potential ALSes.

c. AFRALO - Survey of ALSes and Capacity Building Working Group

H Diakite conducted a survey on the AFRALO ALSes’s self-assessments and wrote a report outlining their problems and giving recommendations. Another team elaborated a document with plans on how to improve the capacities for the region.

{link: AFRALO Rapport Auto-Evaluation rev 1.HDdoc-EN.doc)

Capacity Building Working Group - {link: Capacity Building Working Group - ICANN May 2009.doc)

AFRALO now plans to make a presentation of this document at the secretariat meeting in Sydney.

6. Adobe Connect Chartroom (see: Adobe Connect Resource Page)

Adobe. Connect is an efficient tool for sharing documents and exchanging comments. Kevin Wilson used it for his presentation on the draft framework and was able to actually control the changing of each slide during his teleconference with ALAC.
The Adobe Resource page offers a set of training courses. NARALO members are encouraged to visit the tutorials.

H Ullrich will arrange for the technical staff to give an overview of the benefits and functions of that tool during the next NARALO teleconference. She suggests having 30 minutes training session before the teleconferences to cover a new issue each time. NARALO should discuss online the aims and objectives of their communication tools prior to the overview session.

7. Recent activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau, and Gareth)

Garreth commented on the five votes held by ALAC in the last week and a half. Mostly, they concerned the final votes on the working groups from Mexico City as these were left open for input from the rest of the At-Large community who were not at Mexico. Garreth has voted in favour of all these ALAC statements. Sydney preparation was also evoked.