Summary Minutes 12 January 2009
Participants: Evan Leibovitch, Darlene Thompson, Gareth Shearman, Alan Greenburg, Danny Younger, Dharma Daily, Beau Brendler, Seth Reiss
Apologies: Robert Guerra, Wendy Seltzer, Brett Fausett
Staff: Heidi Ullrich
- Roll Call
- Review of the Summary Minutes 15 December 2008
- Review of the Action Items 15 December 2008
- Robert Guerra: Robert has sent Evan and Darlene notification that he will be stepping down from NARALO by the end of the day tomorrow.We now need a new representative for ALAC.
We could go through a formal nomination and voting procedure and do it by direct appointment through consensus.The first is more transparent, the second is faster.The interim ALAC person
may be going to the meeting in Sydney or not as ICANN may choose.We will make the request for interest public; see how many volunteers we get; post the names (if more than one) and
achieve consensus (by the end of the day next Friday).
- New Constituency Working Group: There are now 36 members who have exchanged 107 messages and ICANN has posted various pages and documents for them.They are still in the
outreach phase and have sent out over 300 invitations and will be sending out more to targeted individuals/companies.They will be having their first telephone conference soon.
4. GA Agenda:
-What would we like to talk about during the GA in Mexico?Ideas: better information sharing strategies – issue mapping (Dharma); operating procedures – flag that which
hasn’t worked well (Darlene)
5. New gTLD Creation Process:
- Do we want to take a stand, as a region, on this? Beau has already taken the stand that he is not opposed to the new gTLD process per se but ICANN needs to get its house in order before
this can happen.This brings up two questions:What advice should ALAC give to the board on the process?What other concerns should ALAC be voicing also?Danny mentioned that we (and
other constituencies) have all kinds of concerns that need to be addressed before ICANN can accept a large number of TLDs.Perhaps if just a limited number of TLDs (maybe about 12 to 20)
were accepted per year it might work but if a whole deluge came in at once it would be problematic.Everybody seemed happy with this approach and were in agreement with Danny and Beau.
It was noted that Beau had the support from the entire NARALO region.It was noted that this must be kept separate from IDN TLDs.We need to make sure that Beau’s concerns (as per the
document he has written) are incorporated into any ALAC statement.Beau and Alan will bring this forward at the ALAC meeting tomorrow with the region’s support.
6. Other business*
- OnlineNIC:This is an ICANN accredited registrar that was convicted of cyber-squatting.ICANN should de-register them.Danny would like our rep at the ALAC meeting tomorrow to forward
the view that appropriate enforcement action must be taken.Beau has seconded that.All in agreement.
-ALAC Comment on the Whois Study:Liz Gasster (Senior Policy Counselor at ICANN) will be speaking on this at tomorrow’s ALAC meeting.Perhaps Beau could let us know after tomorrow
what happened on this.
Meeting Adjourned:3:00 pm (EST)